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All things biochar: production, gh gases, soil, crops, water, etc.
by David dzwilewski
on October 16, 2016 at 8:36 AM
The biggest issue when purchasing materials such as compost or any organic by volume is how is a cubic yard determined. Compacting and or settling comes into play. Happens every time a purchase is made and my company buys 1000's of cubic yards of peat, compost, fir bark and other organics every year. The truck leaves the producer with a CLAIMED 80 cubic yard load and it arrives with 50 cubic yards after settling. It's a tricky deal. We ask for resent bulk density data and weight the trucks before and after delivery to determine if what they claim is what got delivered. Selling by volume is often a scam. Selling by weight is is only accurate means. All sand and gravel is sold by weight.
by Michael Wittman
on October 17, 2016 at 9:44 PM
It is my opinion that Biochar sold by volume might be the better way to go for retail size packages because a same load of biochar in different parts of the country would have different moisture content which could vary the weight. In addition if weight is used and the humidity levels vary the Dept. of Weights and Measures will not be happy with varying weight as they are very picky about a stated weight being exact, when using volume as a measurement the weight is not a factor to get a label approved more easily for sale on store shelves. Weight is a factor in shipping retail size packages by conventional shippers and effects the cost of shipping and if we are talking about shipping large loads of biochar in super sacks by truck or train weight is the main factor in determining shipping cost cost.  
So with that being said what really is the standard we will move forward with...
by David Dzwilewski
on October 20, 2016 at 8:53 AM
Super sacks would be about the only way to accurately sell an bio char by weight. Bulk loads is not cause of the issues I stated above. Sand and gravel is sold by every quarry in CA by weight with certified scale masters. My company owns 3 quarries. Well aware of weights and measures. Would rather pay by weight. How much s the variance of moisture? Likely results in a minor amount of material difference. Selling by volume only works if you can provide the density of the bio char. Weighting the delivery truck before and after will show more or less exactly what got delivered. Again small amounts in a sack by volume is okay but with large bulk loads you will always fight material settling and all of a sudden 80 cys is 50 cys. You will find out. Another trick is to sell materials by the load. Any large scale bio char operation will have to scale delivery trucks and you will have to have a tear weight for each truck. Therefor why not just go off the weight f the material n the truck? Volume is a way to over sell materials. We've been n business with quarries and trucking for 30 years. Seen all the ways materials get sold. Certified weight tickets is the ONLY accurate means.
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