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by robin walton
on March 3, 2011 at 3:35 PM
It is indeed eye-opening to see the power usage in real terms. Are you thinking about instituting a policy regarding energy use/conservation? I really doubt if Macintosh users want to boldly extract dinosaur fossil fuels any more than PC users do. What about composting? Have you considered the potential fuel output of a good pile of dinner scraps? Maybe we need to start a garden at ANR CSIT.
by Karl Krist
on March 3, 2011 at 3:54 PM
Setting policies is against my policy. I'd rather just convince people it's the right thing to do.  
And if that doesn't work, all the good people will just show up with pitch forks and torches.
by Alex Zangeneh-Azam
on March 3, 2011 at 4:10 PM
Pedal powered computers and monitors. The time has come. (of course we'll need to supply each desk with deodorant and gatorade - but it'd be worth it).
by Brenda Dawson
on March 4, 2011 at 10:56 AM
Curious, what was the draw for starting up the computer?  
I've been told shutting down my computer if I'm not using it even for just an hour should save energy.  
fyi, If your building is at the UC Davis campus, you can check out the Facilities Management Dashboard to see how much energy it draws (oops, no links?). You can also check out the UC Davis Sustainability website for an energy checklist for campus offices... Just plugging away!
by Karl Krist
on March 4, 2011 at 6:09 PM
Good question Brenda-  
During startup, my computer takes the same amount of power as it does 'under load.' (105 watts vs. 98) This lasts about 1 minute or so as everything loads up.  
For better or worse, the Mac took about the same amount of power at all stages.
by Karl Krist
on March 4, 2011 at 6:55 PM
Oh...lastly, the toaster varied quite a bit in its electricity usage. While it warms up, the consumption steadily climbs. So it's not like you press the bread down and it goes to full power. It takes about 10 seconds to get there.
by Jeannette E. Warnert
on March 9, 2011 at 12:00 PM
I don't know where your electricity comes from (SMUD?), but PG&E in Fresno gets its energy from hydro-electric power plants. No guilt here for sucking dead dinosaurs out of the ground - at least when it comes to electric power.
by Damon DiPietro
on March 10, 2011 at 9:39 AM
Jeannette, I did a bit of research and it looks like even in areas with hydroelectric plants owned by the same utility company who supplies your electricity, the electricity is not exclusively provided by hydro power. This brings up the realities of "THE GRID!!!" Here's what I found out..  
"The U.S. electric grid is a complex network of independently owned and operated power plants and transmission lines."  
In California, 47% of the electricity generated comes from gas, only 20% is from hydro, 18% nuclear, the rest is geothermal, biomass, wind, oil, solar, and coal. Since power is shared across the grid, in areas of high demand (Fresno in the summertime comes to mind!) that region is going to draw power from other plants that may not be as "green" as hydro.  
So the bottom line is, if we can reduce our consumption even a little bit and if enough people do it, we won't need to pull as much power from other non "green" plants across an aging and inefficient infrastructure. Also, the surplus electricity that is "green" can be supplied to high demand areas. A win win situation!!
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