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News and updates from the statewide UC Master Gardener Program office.
by Joan Brown
on January 21, 2012 at 11:49 AM
I am concerned with the processing time it takes data, once entered, to reach the Helpline Calendar. It would also be  
wonderful if several calendar dates could be entered at one time, rather than have to do each day/name separately. For instance If Sam Doe is working twice in the same month - on the 5th and the 16th, could he be entered for both dates at the same time? Joan Brown MG Ventura Co.
by Jane Auerbach
on February 7, 2012 at 11:22 PM
@Joan Brown: our program coordinator advises us to just enter the first date of the month we've earned hours (no matter how many separate dates that month we do the same activity) and aggregate all our hours that month for that activity under that date. It simplifies entering activities like helpline volunteering that might be done frequently, but in short increments of time. Hope that helps! --- Jane Auerbach, MG LA County
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