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Food news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Produce at the market
by Carolyn
on January 26, 2012 at 10:29 AM
After reading this article I am pleasantly surprised the UCDavis students see a return to sustainable small farm agriculture. The Center's membership could indeed benefit from California's current farming and ranching families. Many 4-H families are involved in farming on a large scale. I was however disturbed by Gina's statement that “Food is so important and it’s not very secure right now, with climate change and all. Many of us are interested in trying to find ways to make farming work in our changing environment." This coming from someone with a master's degree is a little disturbing, specifically with the statement "with climate change and all". I haven't seen that climate has affected the security of food at all. California which grows an abundance of the nation's food has historically had a perfect climate for abundant growing. I would like to see these students take their degrees and apply to the soil.. not just the school farm.. but real sustainable agriculture. Step into the UC Based 4-H program or take a stand with the College and Young Adult based "I Love Farmers dot org. and help California's future farmers to stay in agriculture. Additionally, they should become active in California politics to really protect the agriculture. This is what we need.
by Diane Nelson
on January 30, 2012 at 9:03 AM
Hi Carolyn - Thank you for feedback and for sharing the link to "I Love". That's a wonderful group. Ensuring adequate food suppy in the face of a changing climate is the focus of much research here at UC Davis and, indeed, throughout the state, nation and world. Gina is lead author on a recent journal article that looks at N2O emissions following transition from conventional till to no-till in cover crop on a vineyard here in Northern California. Like you, she and other young farmers and researchers are passionate about sustainable agriculture which is good news for us all! Thank you again for your input and suggestions on how people can get involved.
by Sally Jo Sorensen
on July 22, 2013 at 12:59 PM
I Love Farmers is pretty much an Agro-business astroturf group that was actually started by a prof, not his students. Not so wonderful.
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