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Green news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
by jack
on August 2, 2012 at 3:54 AM
nice, awesome pic
by Kathy Keatley Garvey
on August 21, 2012 at 6:46 AM
by Ashley Ketchum
on January 23, 2013 at 11:39 AM
What would folks them recommend for controlling carpenter bees then? If pesticides and destroying bees' nest are not the way, how can a homeowner deal with a carpenter bee problem?
by Rachael Freeman Long
on January 23, 2013 at 2:21 PM
We are not into controlling or recommending controls for our western nesting carpenter bees, as their contribution to pollination far outweighs any damage to structures. Using untreated, unpainted redwood for arbors, fences and patio or lawn furniture in this area means learning to share with carpenter bees.  
However, the Eastern Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa virginica is perceived as a problem burrowing in wood structures. There is lots of information on the web about them and their control and eastern pest control companies have a lot of experience dealing with them..
by Jim Strickland
on April 14, 2015 at 12:23 PM
These bees do not like citrus oils and you can buy non toxic sprays made from fruits that will drive them away.
by Donald Hover
on May 3, 2015 at 4:05 PM
I am a Master Gardener in Tennessee and the carpenter bee is considered a destructive pest here. It is NOT a pollinator. the Bumble bee and Honey bees are the pollinators. and with the use of GMO's and pesticides along with the mite problem the Honey bee is loosing population very fast. Look out on the price of fruits if the honey bee population dies out People should look for organic solutions to pest and disease control.
by Rick Stelring
on May 11, 2015 at 3:24 AM  
Seems pretty straightforward to me - I'm keeping them. I might even name them. People pay for bees to be brought to their property for pollination.
by Brian Wood
on May 11, 2015 at 2:25 PM
Xylocopa virginica is a pollinator. What are you talking about Donald H. ? All you have to do is watch them to find that out, not to mention a quick google search. Good job there Master Gardener! I have thousands of them on my property. I wonder what all that work is they're doing on my flowers.....
by Teresa
on May 19, 2015 at 8:34 AM
Thank you for the informative article. I'm in the Santa Cruz mountains and my carpenter bees bore into my fascia which is PAINTED AND TREATED. I have TONS of holes as a result of these pollinators so I am torn. I've tried having the holes plugged to no avail. These bees are persistent. Until I just read this article I wanted them gone. Now I'm thinking I'll just ignore the damage. But to say they are not destructive is not true. I'm all for the need to keep the pollinators around......
by Jeni Bryan
on May 27, 2015 at 5:39 PM
I agree with the previous comment. I just spent a lot of money and hard work restoring my patio roof and wood bees are drilling into it like crazy. I hate to kill any creature unnecessarily, but there is a GREAT deal of bee feces all over my brand new patio table and chairs constantly, and the bees literally throw wood shavings on me and my guests as we try to sit outside. One night a half a wood bee fell down my blouse! Im all for relocating them, but I don't think its a feasible option for us to live together.
by Kristen
on April 17, 2016 at 8:18 PM
Yeah, I don't see myself allowing my deck to cave in for some pollination. I love insects, including bees, but I find it laughable that anyone would say your house is less important that flowers.
by jess
on March 29, 2017 at 4:35 AM
How can anyone insist they're not pollinators? Aside from multiple sources from experts saying they are, they have legs that are harrier than mine and are obviously pollen carriers.  
The damage will also depend on where you live. The ones in the article are less of a problem than the eastern version which is currently poking holes in my deck.
by Lynds tut
on April 15, 2017 at 1:34 PM
I have these bees around my porch and love watching them as i sit outside. I noticed the female going into her tunnel and, when she stopped before climbing in, i saw what looked like a second set of wings that were yellow. Im assuming its pollen but cant find anything online about how she carrys the pollen.. Is it under the wing? Why are they yellow? Its peeked my intrest but no answeres found :( thanks!
by Anna Nimus
on April 16, 2017 at 8:14 PM
Um Kristen, where did the article say "your house is less important that flowers"?  
Did you read a word of it? Do you seriously think pollination creates flowers? Did you show up to any of your high school science classes?  
Flowers exist to attract pollinators. Pollinators (bees/bats/birds) enable reproduction and the creation of fruits/nuts/seeds. These are things that people and animals eat. This is important because people and animals need to eat to survive. (In fact, while we can NOT survive without food, we CAN survive without houses.)  
So we can kill off all the pollinators and cut off our food supply and all die of malnutrition, but your house will still be there without you. Good job.  
Go back to the beginning and read the article over again before you say something publicly and embarrass yourself (again).
by Katharina Ullmann
on April 21, 2017 at 9:54 AM
Interesting observation Lynds tut! Female carpenter bees (genus Xylocopa) carry their pollen on their hind legs using dense, branched hairs called scopa. The pollen is packed on dry. They can also transport pollen internally in their crop according to Robbin Thorp (UCD Professor Emeritus and expert on all things bee related). Like all bees, they have four wings but I've never seen a case where the wings are yellow. Instead, wings tend to be translucent with a brownish tint. That all being said, depending on the flower they are visiting, carpenter bees can get dusted with pollen (see top photo of this article). This dusting can make the bee's color markings look very different from what they are!
by Marcus
on April 28, 2017 at 12:12 PM
An alternative to destroying them is to make a bait structure for them. Basically, give then a more preferred choice than your home. My friend set up a "sacrificial" Japanese style entrance of redwood, they left his logcabin style house alone for the most part. Citrus oils and simple bleach work well as prohibitors
by Paula
on April 30, 2017 at 9:33 AM
Just relocated a colony of carpenter bees that decided to nest in a cypress mount for a dead staghorn fern. Took it to a far corner of the yard and hung out on the fence in a protected area. Hope they like it there and that they leave the fence alone and do not become a problem. My brave husband put on gloves and carried it to its new location. My hero! It was at dusk. We were trying to leave it where it was, (above the garage entrance door) but when I stood below it and heard the sounds eminating from it, it freaked me out a bit. Trying to save it rather than deter them.
by Jack
on May 8, 2017 at 7:49 AM
I saw dust on floor of patio coming from beams supporting my roof.I thought it might be carpenter ants  
.I sprayed WD 40 and out came what I thought was  
I went online and discovered it to be a carpenter bees.I have a vegetable garden and will try citrus oil next time  
I recycle and try not to get in Mother Nature's way.
by Dan
on May 20, 2017 at 4:34 PM
Interesting feedback. Let's just coexist with Mother Nature and all she has to offer, because she might not be around long. There's already a species of bumble bees that are on the endangered species list and this should be enough for anyone to do their part to let good insects live amongst us. After all, they were here way longer than we were. Let's keep it that way.
by Carol
on May 28, 2017 at 8:58 AM
Our house, made of logs, has been inundated with carpenter bees. After years of trying to figure out how to deal with these bees in a humane way, I think I have finally found a solution. Since their galleries are re-used every year, last year, I waited until October (I live in Massachusetts) to be sure the galleries were empty, then I filled them with powdered poison and crammed steel wool in the openings and filled the opening with caulking. As a precautionary measure, I also purchased and hung two carpenter bee traps. By this time every year, I'm usually finding new sawdust and new holes/galleries. So far though, there's been no new activity.
by kate
on June 22, 2017 at 8:29 PM
Re: Anna Nimus  
I agree with you wholeheartedly and at the same time, Kristen simply didn't know any better. That's unfortunately the world we live in ~ people don't have a connection to the life cycle. It takes exposure and getting the information out there to bring the people back. She might have received the information more readily without attack. Instead of taking in the good info you offered, she may be distracted by the new one you tore her and missed it altogether. You have a right to be angry at the ignorance in this world, but the only way we're going to help turn it around is by meeting people where they're at.
by Joey1127
on July 5, 2017 at 9:37 AM
I have a massive Wisteria tree growing on my property in Sacramento, CA and I love watching the big Carpenter Bees come around in Spring and Summer. They are really harmless...My house and eves are sided with Vinyl clad Steal worries there. They are really harmless as I mow the lawn walking back n' forth under the Wisteria tree and they never pay me any mind.  
I tend to want to keep these bees around as we have seen a huge decline in our honey bees out here in the west. In fact, I've not seen one honey bee this year so far :( and it's kind of odd but they are dying off I fear.
by Mechele
on May 2, 2018 at 3:12 PM
Thanks for all of this feedback. We have hundreds on our property in an old lean-to & was thinking,of relocating them but knowing they aren't aggressive & do pollinate we will all live happily together! We are in Tennessee šŸšŸ
by Suzanne
on May 3, 2018 at 1:17 PM
When I was a child, we had a barn that was built probably around 1930-1940. It was a massive barn and had a long hallway in the center with lean twos on both sides. Then it had a very tall hay loft above it. The barn was taller than a two story house. Each summer, the bees came to the barn and raised their young and we never stopped them from using the structure. The barn stood strong for many years with the bees using the rafters for their homes. We lost the barn around 1980 from a tornado. Now I have two barns that the bees use. There are so many and I have co-existed with them. I read in a Farmers Co-op publication where 80% of the honey bee colonies were wiped out this year. I do hope the carpenter and bumble bees can help pick up the slack. Lets hope for a return of the honey bee colonies and hope they find better chemicals to control the varroa mites and other harmful insects that destroy the colonies.
by Dani
on May 18, 2018 at 8:32 PM
Thank you for the information. I have had a fat buzzing bee examining a woodpile for days. Yesterday I went over to the pile when I heard the buzzing again, and saw a fat black rump disappearing into a perfect hole. This morning, I saw another disappear into a separate hole. I was going to remove the wood, we never used it for fires because it's pepper wood, and smells bad when burning. Examining the pile more, I see all kinds of smaller holes. I'm hoping to make the pile smaller without using the logs in use. This is awesome. Bees make me happy. Oh, and I live in the high desert. it gets hotter, with fewer resources, is there something to feed them, like people do for honeybees when food is scarce? Will they hit up my hummingbird feeder like the wasps and honeybees do sometimes?
by Rachael Long
on May 29, 2018 at 7:31 AM
The big black bee in "a perfect hole" is undoubtedly a female carpenter bee. Smaller holes might house other cavity nesting solitary bees, but are most likely emergence holes of wood boring beetles (which native bees also nest in).  
Our native solitary bees often shut down adult activity during hot periods without resources. The life cycle continues in brood developing within previously provisioned nests.  
Most solitary bees will not visit hummingbird feeders despite the rewards available.
by Christine
on July 30, 2018 at 9:19 AM
I would like to say the previous comment from Mr. Hover is wildly incorrect and could be a damaging statement if people do not realize the benefits of carpenter bees. Carpenter Bees are 100% pollinators. It only takes observation to see that they carry large amounts of pollen on their legs as they move from flower to flower; i.e. pollinating them. I have had a nest of them on my porch for years and my flowers always look amazing with little effort. For those who are considering this bee as a pest, please consider putting a wedge of wood near where they are nesting, and they will probably take to this as they seem to like to find a new spot to nest (even in the same piece of wood). And yes, these bees will also take over hummingbird feeders, even trying to bully the hummingbirds off of it, but the hummingbirds do not seem to be threatened by them.
by Chavda Apexa
on March 27, 2019 at 6:33 AM
This information is very use full to me ,but the main is how the use full the carpenter bee in pollination ?
by VerminKill
on April 2, 2019 at 5:21 PM
Please can you suggest natural repellents for bees? Thanks.
by Teresa
on April 16, 2019 at 4:50 PM
How do we get read of these.
by Marv Ellsworth
on April 20, 2019 at 11:23 AM
The attack by Anna Nimus did more damage to the bee population than any sprays, made me want to go out and kill a few.
by Brandy
on April 24, 2019 at 2:31 PM
If you're worried about your structures give them a place to burrow that isn't your deck or eaves. They like bamboo but do better with natural reeds that can be purchased online for like 6.99 a bundle. It will give them a place to lay their eggs and hibernate safely and naturally. Do a quick google search, you will find options that will help both species live in harmony.
by Clifford
on April 28, 2019 at 6:03 AM
In South Carolina we have the Eastern version. Right now they are burrowing into wood that I plan to remove. I cannot tell if they are burrowing into the structure which appears to be treated. It is good to know that they winter over in the tunnels. I did not know that.  
I want to put a couple of posts into the ground near the house but away from where we normally go. I am going to attach some untreated boards so they can nest in there. We will see what happens.
by Betzaida
on April 30, 2019 at 3:38 PM
by Susan L
on May 4, 2019 at 9:39 AM
I love living in East TN...and I am all in when it comes to helping all species human and otherwise coexist. Any natural solutions to repel the bees from nesting in untreated wood? I cannot paint right now and they are demolishing my new back deck. I wish I would have known they did not bother treated wood, the contractor and I would have had a different conversation :(
by Becky Rautine
on May 8, 2019 at 7:26 AM
I found a carpenter Bee on the floor of my deck, I live in Palmyra, NY, she looked to be on death's door step. The previous day the temp was up to about 70-73, then over night the temp dropped to a very chilly low 40's. I picked her/him up found a small-ish box picked some flowers and placed her on the blooms in the box in a sunny location. She seems to be doing much better today. My question is, is there anything else I can for the poor thing. And I can definitely vouch that yes they most definitely docile.
by Emarsha5
on May 19, 2019 at 6:05 AM
Heard through the grapevine that filling a small brown paper bag (school lunch type bag) and hanging it near where you don't want carpenter bees flying works. My daughter's daycare put them around the swingsets. The bees will turn around once they see it, thinking it's a wasp nest. I put one in my garden, because there was a bee apartment in some old wood there, and it seemed to contain the bees to one general area... they're no longer swarming through my entire backyard.
by John W
on May 20, 2019 at 10:32 PM
I have a nest of them in the old schoolhouse out back of my house. The house was built in '78, that would be 1878, and the schoolhouse is made of logs.  
At first I tried to get rid of them, but eventually I noticed that they were doing most of the pollinating of my fruits and vegetables. That, and these little buggers are much tougher than they look.  
They are docile and will fly right up to about 18 inches from my face. If they get in the way, I'll wave them off and they go about their business. The only individual that got stung was my dog Mollie, who thought catching bees out of the air was great fun until she got stung.  
So these critters have been around my house since before *we* could fly, yet the schoolhouse is no worse for wear. The colony seems to be the same size every year, so attrition seems to be keeping the population in check.  
The kids have learned that there is nothing to be afraid of, and have got to the point where they just ignore them.  
They feed the birds and keep the wasps away, what more could you ask for?
by Carole Coates
on May 24, 2019 at 8:34 AM
Susan, we live in northwestern NC close to TN line. Our carpenter bees do not mind treated wood at all! We'll try paint next to see if that helps.
by Beth Hyneman
on June 19, 2019 at 1:23 PM
A larva fell out of its hole how can i help keep it alive til it turns into carpenter bee.
by David E Clayton
on June 29, 2019 at 6:49 PM
I have carpenter bees in my backyard and I love them. They are totally harmless even if you are working around their homes. They spend their days going about their business of pollinating, never bothering anyone, including pets. Years ago I had to have two large cottonwood trees in my backyard cut down. I instructed the tree surgeons to leave four to five feet of stump. I did this for the stray cats who like my yard for its habitat (and food and water that I leave out) but discovered an alternative benefit -- the carpenter bees love them. There is always lots of sawdust at the base of the stumps, evidence of home building by the bees. And they are always flying about, going in their little holes in the stumps and then flying out and pollinating all of my flowers. They mind their business and I mind my business. It all works out great.
by Kathryn
on July 5, 2019 at 5:22 PM
Beth, sometimes the larvae or pupae fall out because they're dead or sick and another bee pushes them out. There's also a fly parasite that gets in the bees' nest, and looks a lot like the larva of a bee. In any case, the larva is harmless to humans. If you're curious to see if the larva grows up, here's something you can try: place it on a paper towel or coffee filter, and put one drop of clean water on the paper. Store all of the above in a ventilated container, such as an empty disposable coffee cup with lid (no coffee residue!). Check each day and re-dampen as it dries out. The larva will turn into a white pupa, then a black pupa, then an adult! It should take around a month. Good luck!
by Donna
on August 6, 2019 at 9:40 AM
I can confirm that the carpenter bees are pollinators. I am watching them pollinate right outside my window in Maryland. We have tons of butterflies and a fair share of carpenter bees
by Meet
on September 14, 2019 at 7:50 AM
Does anyone know how foraging area / distance cover by carpenter bee by flying ?
by J Tomassetti
on March 22, 2020 at 8:10 AM
I read that Carpenter Bees like raw wood and the article recommended that if you need to control them from eating structures, paint the wood. The article also said that treated wood will not stop them since they are not eating the wood. Here in Florida the woodpeckers will drill into the wood to eat the bees causing more damage than the bees. However, woodpeckers are protected so do not hurt woodpeckers attacking your house. Just paint it.
by Doug Blinco
on April 3, 2020 at 5:32 AM
Can you suggest any types of structures that can be set up that would attract the carpenter bee to allow them to nest to keep them from invading structures around the home?
by TerryAnn
on May 6, 2020 at 6:29 AM
Know the difference. Here is a great link to see the difference in Carpenter bee versus bumblebee ! Carpenter bees can do some major damage wow bumblebees are great pollinators! I love nature but these carpenter bees are doing some major damage where I live
by Binah
on May 24, 2020 at 11:57 AM
We have a carpenter bee nest under our bay window next to the entrance.  
The bees come back every spring and I find them fascinating. The nest seems to have one bee on the watch and I can see the same bee for days and weeks buzzing in the air in front of the bay window and fighting off other bees that come by. I often go out and look at the watch bee who is at first irritated and tries to scare me away by buzzing really loudly towards my head. But eventually she gets used to me being there and just buzzes on. Sadly, after a few weeks that bee is always gone and I find her dead on the ground near the nest.
by Sharonfreemi
on May 28, 2020 at 4:01 PM
Is there a particular wood that would lure the carpenter bees to it and away from structures?
by Frank Camillieri
on May 28, 2020 at 4:57 PM
The real destruction is caused by woodpeckers digging out the young bees.
by Chris Mapham
on July 7, 2020 at 7:44 AM
I am in Michigan and observed a large yellow and black "bumblebee" devouring or sucking on a small beetle. I took pics and asked around, only to learn that this was a carpenter bee because it had a shiny gray spot behind its head. But, I have yet to learn on any such bees eating bugs. Would love to forward the pictures to anyone interested.
by Cindy Valencia
on July 20, 2020 at 8:36 PM
I absolutely love these bees. I rented and looked forward to their visit every year in the beginning of May...i think it was. They were drawn to a Cotoneaster plant blooming. 3 or 4 fuzzy golden buzzy bees would show up in later afternoons on sunny days only. They seemed to take an interest in me when they realized I was interested in them. They seemed to hover like a hummingbird and look right into my eyes. Once they realized I wasn't a threat they would fly within inches of my face. It seemed to be like a game to them... buzzing at different levels. I never saw one land though. For me their time for a visit only lasted for close to a week and then they were gone until the next year. They are my favorite bug!
by Michael Hollidays
on December 19, 2020 at 11:43 AM
I live in Palm Springs and I have a birdfeeder that really attracts these carpenter bees but they drive my hummingbirds away thereā€™s so many of them so I moved away from where the other birdfeeders are and put it under her fruit tree in hopes that it would pollinator Iā€™m hoping that will be the case does anybody have any suggestions about this hummingbird feeder that attracts them or where I place it
by LFogarty
on March 15, 2021 at 8:31 AM
I live in an apartment complex and have had carpenter bees boring into the wood on my porch. Last year, the complex owners replaced the porch wood and painted it, and just now, I've seen two bees hovering around like they're looking for their old home. It makes me sad. Maybe I'll buy some redwood to place outside for them. Is there a size you'd recommend?
by Rachael F Long
on March 27, 2021 at 7:27 AM
Thanks for your interest in protecting carpenter bees as they're so beneficial! I'd suggest getting a bee house for helping native bees with nesting sites (available online, google bee house or bee hotel), or you can get an old piece of wood and drill different size holes into it. Place the wood in a protected area, like in a planter box/pot, or garden. Planting flowering plants around your apartment building (e.g. in pots) will help provide nectar and pollen for bees to thrive. We have bee boxes around our home and love watching bees use them. Rachael
by Happy Gardener
on March 27, 2021 at 7:54 PM
Hi, writing from Vernon, NJ here. I am so happy I came across this blog. I found a carpenter bee today on my back porch looking extremely ā€œweakā€ / ā€œtiredā€. Itā€™s very early Spring so the temperatures outside are fluctuating through the day and night. I tried to give the bee some nectar which he very much enjoyed. But after an hour he still wouldnā€™t walk or fly on his own. I was beginning to think it is just the end of his lifespan as he appeared healthy and was able to make movement to eat. I was told carpenter bees have a lifespan of about 8 weeks. But atleast I gave him a great last supper. Canā€™t wait to save and help as many bees as I can as more come out. #savethebees
by John Brown
on April 13, 2021 at 9:45 AM
We have carpenter bees living in our porch swing. Iā€™ve noticed theyā€™re very gentle and playful. As Iā€™m typing this, there are several flying or crawling around on your hands. A couple that I can distinguish from the others, I given names. The females are more curious than the males. They cluster around me for a few minutes. Then theyā€™ll leave to get back to work, it seems, to go collecting pollen and do their pollution chores. I enjoy their company when they are not busy.
by V
on April 28, 2021 at 8:02 PM
I have carpenter bees come back to the same unpainted railing each year and I always look forward to it. But I just found one dead under the nest a week or 2 ago and I just found another today in the same spot. I moved the other to our garden so it's def not the same one. As I looked at it I heard what sounded like a carpenter bee in the tunnel chewing away. Could the first one have been the male after mating and the second one the female after laying the eggs? But then whose making all the noise inside the tunnel? I would love more incite if anyone knows. From new jersey
by Angela Jennifer Morey
on May 3, 2021 at 12:11 PM
There is a carpenter bee that is pushing all the larvae out of the hole. I have used Google and can't find a reason for her doing this. Can anyone give me some insight into why she is kicking the babies out of their safe burrow before that are hatched?
by R Riley
on May 31, 2021 at 3:34 AM
There have been suggestions of redwood and cedar and purchased bee boxes and drilled holes to attract or make carpenter bees prefer other places besides my pine beams on the porch. Possibly, in combination with citrus oil. Any other types of sacrificial wood that work? Should I put drilled softwood in the vicinity of the existing holes and spray the holes with citrus in the fall? I want to keep our pollinators happy and prolific, in a nearby place I can afford to turn into a nesting site. Any sure-fire suggestions?
by Robin Mauro
on September 23, 2021 at 9:13 AM
I had carpenter bees boring into a beam right above where I sit on my porch. The wood is painted. I did not want them there so I sprayed the holes with Pure Citrus orange oil air freshener, and they moved. One kept coming back for a few days trying to get in, but couldn't even get very near to it, because of the oil. The orange oil repelled them. They have obviously found a new home nearby, as they are still around, pollinating my flowers. Interestingly, they go down the outside edges of my morning glories for nectar, whereas the hummingbirds get the nectar from the center, so both benefit. The orange oil spray was an inexpensive and non-poisonous way to get them to move.
by Terre Dunivant
on February 16, 2022 at 11:41 PM
Thank you so much for the wonderful article about this important native California bee, Rachael!  
I love the carpenter bees who live on the deck. They drill holes in the 12x2" boards (not pressure-treated) that hold up the lightweight roof.  
I have a solar-powered water fountain for the birds and the bees who grace the garden, and have planted native flowering plants for them.  
Carpenter bees are so important, as are all bees. The perfect garden is a bit messy, because it's designed to support wildlife.
by Cindy Staton
on March 19, 2022 at 11:08 PM
I love bees. My grandfather had bees and he would give us a honeycomb with the honey. It was sooo good. Now my daughter lives out in the country and she has bees ?? and she collects their honey.
by Julie
on May 2, 2022 at 5:24 PM
Hola from Puerto Rico!  
Iā€™m happy to report thereā€™s a clan of carpenter bees building there home near an old stump near the front of my house here on the island. Weā€™ve all been worried about the bee population after Hurricane Maria and sounds like theyā€™re making a good come back!  
Quick question: if I move the stump to an abandoned lot next door full of chickens, banana trees, and other fruit trees will the bees know where to go? Iā€™m more than happy to leave them where they are too just wasnā€™t sure if they have swarming tendencies and donā€™t necessarily want to walk into a swarm first thing in the morning out my front doorā€¦  
Anyway, thanks for a great article and for all the comments. Iā€™ve learned quite a bit already!
by Duane
on June 1, 2022 at 4:56 PM
I have no problem with the bees, it is the woodpecker looking for the undeveloped young in the wood that really destroyed my support beam.
by Mary Julius
on July 13, 2022 at 3:34 PM
Thank you for all the comments. I've lived in an untreated pine log cabin for 35 years. Every spring the carpenter bees show up and begin boring holes. I recently put up bee traps which work well. I don't know how serious the holes are to the cabin. Maybe I should let them be. I would never use a pesticide. I've watched them pollinating. They are docile. Maybe I will let them "bee."
by Bob
on July 4, 2023 at 11:54 PM
I have 2 very large (about 2 inch) carpenter bees that spend their days, up to 8 hours, foraging in my balloon flowers. Besides being a beautiful, nonstop bloomer I read balloon flowers have an abundance of pollen, making them great bee attractors. I try to b plant for bees and butterflies. My carpenter bees have been very good neighbors and realize I am not a threat. Today I was watering the right side of my flowerbed while one was in the middle. As I slowly moved my hose closer to his area he just moved over to the left. Once I got closer to the left he went up front to feed on my pentas. We cohabitate well together. I live close to a small unused wooded area and I think maybe they have nests there. Anyway, if you hear a farmer saying they need more bee activity tell him to plant some balloon flowers close to his crops. They even take naps in them!
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