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Growing in your Garden Now - Share your bounty!

Master Gardeners run many programs to encourage growing your own food.
We have public seminars listed on the Upcoming events on our public website – www.marinmg.ucanr.edu.

June to September seminars include Edible Flowers on June 24th and Fall to winter vegetable gardening on September 23rd.  

In April of every year we sell 4-5000 tomato plants at our Markets at Pini Hardware in Novato and Bon Air Center in Greenbrae.  

Our edible demonstration garden at IVOF&G runs programs to educate the Marin public on aspects of growing food.

We also provide information to the public through our free online newsletter “The Leaflet” and Master Gardeners are on hand to answer questions at Farmers markets and through our Novato based Help Desk. Locations and times can be accessed on the website.

Once you have put all the information into action there will hopefully be bountiful crops for you to enjoy. When the 6 zucchini plants, 12 tomato plants, plum and apple trees all produce at once and you have exhausted your appetite and those of friends and neighbors, consider finding ways to share the bounty. Not only will you feel good about sharing but hopefully the nutrients from the fresh food will benefit others too. Ask around your neighbors, local churches and charities to find welcoming homes for the extra produce. Let’s try and build our food community one zucchini at a time!