About Us / Workgroup
Science Education and Extension Workgroup
The overall purpose of the Science Education workgroup is to extend science education theory and practice to help prepare California youth and adults to lead scientifically literate lives. The workgroup focuses on advancing applied research, evaluation, and extension around nonformal science education, and complements programmatic efforts (e.g., 4-H, Master Gardeners, California Naturalists, Project Learning Tree, and Master Food Preservers, RECs).What are UC ANR Workgroups? UC ANR workgroups collaboratively plan and coordinate research and extension activities - ensuring we are addressing - through grassroots leadership - the priorities to ensure healthy families and communities. Workgroups bring together Cooperative Extension personnel along with non-ANR partners to work on emerging and continuing priority issues. Read more here.
Science Education and Extension Member List - Workgroup Information
Science Education and Extension
The purpose of the Science Education and Extension workgroup is to extend science education theory and practice to help prepare California youth and adults to lead scientifically literate lives. The workgroup will focus on advancing applied research, evaluation, and extension around nonformal science education, and will complement and support programmatic efforts.
Workgroup Chair Information
Steven M Worker PhD
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Educational research; design and research of out-of-school (informal) learning environments; positive youth development; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education
County: Marin County
Phone: (415) 761-1020
Member Information
Marianne Bird
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Program development, science literacy; work with Expanded Learning (afterschool) programs, youth-adult partnership, camping and environmental education, volunteer and non-profit management.
Unit: Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
Phone: (916) 875-6423
Nathaniel W Caeton
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: 4-H Youth Development Program
County: Shasta County
Phone: 530-224-4900
Rita M Jakel
Title: 4-H Community Education Specialist Program Coordinator 4-H
Specialty: 4-H Program Representative
County: Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
Phone: (949) 653-1803
Hedmon Okella Ph.D.
Title: 4-H Animal Science Youth Advisor
Specialty: Animal Science & Scientific Literacy
County: San Benito County
Phone: (831) 637-5346 x106
Liliana Vega
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Positive Youth Development
County: San Diego County
Phone: 805-242-2454
In response to concerns about youth scientific illiteracy, California 4-H launched a statewide 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) Initiative in 2008. A steering committee, led by Smith, Schmitt-McQuitty, and Mahacek, and composed of stakeholders (4-H members, adult volunteers, CE staff, and the informal science education community), developed a plan to strengthen 4-H science programming in California. From these efforts, the 4-H SET Leadership Team was formed to provide visionary and practical leadership to the SET Initiative. In 2017, the team reformed itself as a UC ANR Science Education workgroup.