What is Website Accessibility?

Website Accessibility allows for universal access enabling people with disabilities to access, navigate and use websites effectively. Website Accessibility guidelines produced by W3C WAI cover the importance of providing access to people who may have difficulty accessing information on a website due to: visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities. It is essential that the Web be accessible in order to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with disabilities.

Here are some scenarios of people with disabilities using the Web for better understanding.

Requirement by law
Web accessibility is required by laws and policies in some cases. WAI Web Accessibility Policy Resources provides links to resources for addressing legal matters and policies within organizations.

How can you help?
By taking a few simple steps you can make sure that the site you build using Sitebuilder3 is accessible to the visually and hearing impaired. One of the easiest ways to check accessibility to your site is by using a validator, and we will be explaining the importance of proper code and graphic usage on this page.

Website Accessibility guidelines help make the website easier to be read by web browsers, search engines and people visiting your website.

We will explore all measures available to us so that we can provide high quality service to our clients and audiences.

Don't panic. We will suggest what you can do in order to comply and help impaired visitors get the most out of your site.