Avocado Toast is Going to Have Lots of Orgins

Nov 8, 2017

avocado toast

'Hass' avocados are now being imported from Colombia.  The US consumption of avocados has increased from about a pound per person per year in 1980 (mostly consumed in California, Florida, Arizona, Texas and Hawaii) to over 7 pounds today and eaten in most states in the country. Avocado sales in the US amounted to 350 million pounds 20 years ago, and California was the major grower and supplier of that fruit. But now consumption surpasses 1.5 Billion pounds.  California production now is dwarfed by imports.  The US has become a source of green gold for exporters. We are importing them from many countries: Mexico, Chile, Peru, Dominican Republic and New Zealand.  Colombia is just the latest to start exporting here. Other countries are angling to ship here, as well. And not only has the US discovered avocado, but consumption is increasing world-wide and China is a major player, too. 

Many countries are seeing the opportunity and plantings are also increasing many in environments that really aren't appropriate for the 'Hass' where it may be too hot, too cold, too humid or too dry.  'Hass' is a picky fruit that likes it just right. But not only is China becoming a major consumer of the fruit, it is now becoming a new producer of this fruit.



By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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