ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Workgroup ratification and evaluation criteria

Requests for new workgroups should be submitted via an online form.

Requests should include a statement of the overall purpose of the proposed workgroup and the need for and value of workgroup activity, and should identify the individuals who have committed to active participation in the workgroup. The proposal should articulate the Division priorities to be advanced by the workgroup, the need for collaboration and/or integration and how the workgroup is or will be organized -- i.e., mechanisms for communication and coordination among members, annual schedule of activities, etc. The proposal should also include how workgroup members will be involved in identifying and prioritizing the workgroup’s purpose, goals and activities.  Workgroup ratification is based on:

  • Consistency with current Division priorities (Refer to Strategic Vision and Strategic Initiatives)
  • Extent to which the programmatic focus of the workgroup benefits from collaboration and does not duplicate other Division unit or workgroup efforts;
  • Adequacy of membership to address the issue and achieve the stated goals -- in terms of research and extension expertise, representation of statewide perspectives, and sufficient number of active participants;
  • Appropriateness of the overall workgroup structure and operational procedures and activities;
  • Appropriateness of linkages with non-ANR cooperators -- to maximize coordination and impact and/or leverage resources.

To inactivate a workgroup contact Joni Rippee.

Workgroup and Program Team meetings will be coordinated through the Program Support Unit. To schedule a meeting, the Program Team leader or Workgroup leader should complete this brief survey.

Learn more about workgroups and program teams.



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