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Los Angeles County

Contacts and Resources

To report firewood or trees suspected of being infested with GSOB:
Call the GSOB Hotline (951) 659-8328 or use this online form.

To request GSOB information materials and handouts:
Contact Annika Nabors: ajnabors@ucanr.edu.

GSOB outbreaks have been detected in several areas of northern Los Angeles County, including the Green Valley area and other unincorporated communities (see zone of infestation map here).

Find a pest control professional or arborist in your area.

For other GSOB questions, please contact: 
Ron M. Durbin MBA, MLA, MSML, RPF
Acting Assistant Chief
County of Los Angeles Fire Department
Prevention Services Bureau/Forestry Division/Natural Resources Section
Rosi Dagit
Senior Conservation Biologist and Certified Arborist
RDC of the Santa Monica Mountains

Dead Oaks in Alpine