UCCE Master Gardeners Plumas-Sierra
University of California
UCCE Master Gardeners Plumas-Sierra

About Us

The mission of the UCCE Master Gardener Program of Plumas-Sierra Counties is to extend the most current research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscape practices to the residents of Plumas and Sierra Counties. 

What is the UC Master Gardener Program?

UC Master Gardeners are trained volunteers of the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE).  Master Gardeners receive in-depth training from specialists, advisers and other professionals on a variety of topics including botany, composting, integrated pest management (IPM), soils, water management, entomology, plant pathology, fruit and ornamental tree culture and sustainable landscape practices.

After completing the training, UC Master Gardeners share research-based horticultural information with the community through workshops, articles, a gardening help line and other means of educational outreach. Being a Master Gardener is a fun and useful volunteer activity that gives participants a sense of community, accomplishment and intellectual stimulation.

History of the Master Gardener Program

The Master Gardener Program was first started in 1972 in the state of Washington to meet the increasing requests from home gardeners for home horticulture information. Since then the program has spread around the country and Master Gardeners have become a vital part of UC Cooperative Extension's ability to provide home gardeners with reliable, research based horticulture information. 

The California Master Gardener program began in 1980 in Sacramento and Riverside counties. Currently 48 California counties have Master Gardener programs. 

Plumas & Sierra Couties are two of the newest counties in California to have Master Gardener programs. 

The first group of UCCE Master Gardener Volunteers in Plumas-Sierra Counties has recently completed its training.  Please contact us here with gardening questions.

Webmaster Email: blgoulet@ucanr.edu