UCCE Master Gardeners Plumas-Sierra
University of California
UCCE Master Gardeners Plumas-Sierra

Plumas-Sierra Gardening Info

Gardening Info

Gardening in Plumas & Sierra Counties can be challenging, but the more you know the better things grow.  The Plumas-Sierra Master Gardeners have assembled general growing information as well as resources specific to our challenging area in this centralize location.

As the gardening challenges faced in Plumas & Sierra Counties are similar to those experienced by high altitude gardeners in other areas, we often draw resources from these areas.  These include resources from: University of Idaho, University of Colorado, and University of Nevada.

Happy gardening!


General Garden Information from California Garden Web

Berries & Grapes

Firewise Landscaping

Fruit Trees

Soils & Composting

Weed Management

Water Management


Webmaster Email: blgoulet@ucanr.edu