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Guide to Healthy Lawns

  • I need some help with my lawn...

Lawn care general, manage pests

  • I need help figuring out what is wrong with my lawn...

Lawn care general, manage weeds

  • How can I remove weeds in my lawn...

Lawn care, established, dethatching

  • What is thatch and what should I do about it...

Lawn care, established, fertilizer burn

  • I fertilized my lawn and it turned white in streaks. What happened...

Lawn care, established, fertilizing

  • When and how should I fertilize...

Lawn care, established, irrigation

  • How should I irrigate my lawn...

Lawn care, established, mowing

  • How and when and how much should I mow...

Lawn care, new lawn

  • I just planted a lawn. How do I take care of it...

Lawn care, new lawn establishment

  • How long will it take for my new lawn to get established...

Lawn care, new lawn, irrigation

  • How should I irrigate my new lawn...

Lawn care, new lawn, mowing

  • How and when should I mow my new lawn...

Lawn grasses, bunch and creeping

  • I've heard about bunch and creeping grasses, what's the...

Lawn grasses, cool- and warm-season

  • What's the difference between cool-season and warm-season...

Lawn grasses, seed germination

  • How long does it take for grass seeds to sprout...