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Republish All Text Assets

Republish all text assets

Site Builder 3 displays your content "dynamically." This means that each time a visitor hits one of your pages, the content they see is generated on-the-fly. This is what makes blog, calendar, spotlight story and other assets possible. Otherwise, if the pages were made of "static" content, they would not change. Calendar events wouldn't fall off after the day of the event and blogs would never be updated.

When you change your page or site design, the changes are instantly done. Same with moving assets around on pages or adjusting the navigation.

The one area where we do still publish content is the "Text Box." Site Builder's built-in codes (i.e. *file1234*, *page1234*) requires the system to evaluate and replace any code it finds with the appropriate content or link. This process can slow down page load times, so Site Builder does it as you create or update your Text Asset content.

Site Builder saves your text with codes and again in its final, converted format. Therefore, if you make changes to a file or page name, or alter the settings on a file library group, you may need to "republish" the text asset where the code is deployed.