Western Society of Weed Science news

Apr 16, 2012


I thought I'd make a quick post this morning to share some highlights from the Western Society of Weed Science.  I've attached the Spring 2012 WSWS Newsletter that summarizes some of the things that happened at the 65 Annual WSWS meeting held in Reno NV last month.  The newsletters can also be found at this link: http://www.wsweedscience.org/Newsletter/newsletter.asp

California weed scientists were well-represented at the meeting as presentors, authors, and contributors.  In particular, a number of the society awards were presented to California weed researchers for their contributions to the Society and the discipline of weed science. 

The highest award of the society, the WSWS Fellow Award, was presented to two California Weed Scientists; Dr. Jodie Holt (UC Riverside, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences) and Dr. Lars Anderson (USDA-ARS, Exotic and Invasive Weed Research Unit, Davis).  I won't relist all their accomplishments listed in the attached newletter but would acknowledge their great contributions to weed science in California and the Western US directly through their research, graduate student training, and outreach efforts.   Congrats Jodie and Lars!

Two UC Davis weed science graduate students were awarded WSWS scholarships based on their research as well as their potential for continued contributions to weed science in the western US.  Congratulations to Marcelo Moretti (a PhD student researching glyphosate-resistant weeds from orchards and non-crop areas), and Rachel Brownsey (a MS student working on the biology and invasion potential of stinkwort in California).  Great job!

The 66th WSWS meeting will be held in San Diego CA on March 11-14 at the Catamaran Resort.  It's a great venue and, given the location, should have a lot of California-centric weed science information.  Hope to see you there!


By Brad Hanson
Author - Cooperative Extension Specialist

Attached Files: