Four things to know about the Hispanic tech consumer

Jul 13, 2015

Digital Technology
An article published on Univision´s Technology and Digital Life page highlights Hispanic consumers use of digital technology:

ONE: Hispanics are Mobile Mavens

With mobile consumption and device adoption ever on the rise, marketers looking for the vanguard leading the mobile revolution need look no further than U.S. Hispanics: 81% of Hispanic mobile subscribers own a smartphone and they are using them to engage with brands on a deeper level. In fact, Hispanics are 80% more likely than their non-Hispanic counterparts to actually purchase the products they see advertised on their mobile devices.  Plus, they are more socially connected with friends and family, they keep up with culturally relevant topics, and they actively seek out deals and make purchases – all day long, all on their smartphones.

TWO: Hispanics Watch More Digital Video

Hispanic consumers both stream and download video content to a greater degree than non-Hispanics: 20% more likely to download, and 18% more likely to stream. They watch an average of 11+ hours of video on a desktop, and 2+ hours on a smartphone each month – more time spent than the U.S. average on either platform.

THREE: Connected at Home

At-home tech gurus, Hispanics are at the forefront of connected device adoption. They have more of the most cutting-edge devices in their homes than non-Hispanics. According to Nielsen's most recent Total Audience Report, they over index the total population for having high-tech items in their households such as HD TVs (89% of Hispanic households vs. 86% of the total U.S. households), video gaming consoles (54% vs. 46%) and enabled smart TVs (15% vs. 12%).

FOUR: Social Influence Like No Other

Culturally, Hispanics are particularly well connected in their personal lives with broad, influential networks of friends and family, and the same connectivity rings true in the digital world. They share 5x more often than non-Hispanics via social media, and the content they share is 35% more likely to be clicked on by others. With 79% of online Hispanics reporting they have a presence on social media sites, their scale combined with their engagement is unparalleled.

Source: Originally published on as Four Things to Know about the Hispanic Tech Consumer by John Kelly, January 9, 2015.

By by John Kelly
Author - Administrative Assistant III