Monica Palta

Cooperative Extension Specialist in Urban Water Quality, Health, and Justice

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Monica Palta joined University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources (UC ANR) on Sept. 1, 2024, as a UC Cooperative Extension specialist in urban water quality, health and justice. She is the first UCCE specialist to be based at UC Irvine. An urban ecosystem ecologist and environmental scientist, Palta has conducted applied research in aquatic and coastal ecosystems throughout the U.S. Before taking the position with UC ANR, she was an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Studies and Science at Pace University in New York City. The main goal of Palta's research is to develop sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships between natural ecosystems and human populations in urban watersheds. A central focus of her work is on interactions between infrastructure, ecosystem functions and associated environmental benefits to humans in urban waterfronts, and how these interactions may be altered by global change. Her research investigates sources and mitigation strategies for water pollution, as well as develops green infrastructure and environmental management strategies to facilitate greater environmental benefit, equity, access and resilience in marginalized waterfront communities.


Ph.D. Ecology & Evolution, Rutgers University. 2012
M.S. Ecology, University of Georgia. 2005
B.A. Biology, Grinnell College. 2000

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