6699 Campus Dr.
Placerville, CA 95667
Grow & Show Your Plant at the Fair - for kids!
Instructor: Barbara Brydon
Location: Sherwood Demonstration Garden, 6699 Campus Dr. Placerville
Fee: Free! Pre-registration is required!
After learning some basics about parts and needs of plants, children will plant a succulent cutting in a small pot. Then they can also plant a bean seed in another pot. They will take the plant home, care for it, and watch it grow. Then in June they can enter their plant in the El Dorado County Fair. Children may decorate the pot or make it look like a fairy garden. Their plant will be on display during the Fair for everyone to see and they might even win a ribbon.
They will receive a short booklet with the basics of plants and how to care for them.
Two sessions are available (please register for only one):
- 9:30 am
- 10:30 am