Make & Take: Hooked on Canning - Preserve Salmon Like a Pro (in person - Placerville)
Bethell-Delfino Ag Building
311 Fair Lane
Placerville, CA 95667
Sponsor: UCCE Master Food Preservers of Central Sierra

Make & Take: Hooked on Canning - Preserve Salmon Like a Pro

Hands on Workshop to teach attendees how to safely pressure can salmon and vegetable stock. We will cover the fundamentals of pressure canning, including why certain foods must be pressure canned vs boiling water canned. Attendees will be become familiar with the different types of pressure canners and how to operate them.

Attendees will go home with one pint of canned salmon, two pints or 1 qt. of canned vegetable stock, and one half pint of infused vinegar. 

Pre-Registration required.

Fee: $35, payable by credit card in the registration survey, or by cash or check made out to UC Regents before April 21.