- Author: Michael L. Poe
The link to an Adobe Connect recording of the October 28, 2010, town hall meeting can be found in your ANR Portal http://ucanr.org/portal. The link is in the Adobe Connect section in the right column. Recording length: 45 minutes. First topic: the state budget on UC and ANR.
If you have trouble accessing the recording, please contact Bryon Noel (530) 754-3937 or bjnoel@ucdavis.edu
Flash is required to view the recording. Flash can be downloaded at http://Adobe.com.
View or leave comments for the Executive Working Group
This announcement is also...
- Author: Michael L. Poe
All members of ANR are invited to join VP Dooley for a 60-minute ANR town hall meeting on Adobe Connect on Thursday, Oct. 28, at 9 a.m. PDT. For those unable to attend online, a recording of the event will be posted.
Dooley will discuss the impact of the newly signed California state budget on UC and ANR. There will also be time set aside for questions and answers.
The town hall link will only be accessible through your ANR Portal https://ucanr.org/portal. Once in your portal you will find instructions to access the meeting at the top of the center column. Please test your ability to access the meeting before Oct. 28.
If you have trouble connecting to the town hall...
- Author: Michael L. Poe
Reminder: ANR town hall set for 9:30 am May 25
Please join VP Dooley for a 60-minute ANR town hall meeting on Adobe Connect on Tuesday, May 25, at 9:30 a.m. PDT.
Dooley will discuss the governor's "May Revise" and implications for UC and ANR's budget, and thoughts on progress towards our Strategic Vision.
The town hall link will be https://admin.na4.acrobat.com/anrtownhall. Enter as a guest and type your name.
If you have trouble connecting to the town hall during the event, contact Mike Poe at (530) 902-2058 or mlpoe@ucdavis.edu.
ANR support for AFRI...
- Author: Michael L. Poe
Please join VP Dooley for a 60-minute ANR town hall meeting on Adobe Connect on Tuesday, May 25, at 9:30 a.m. PDT.
Dooley will discuss the governor's "May Revise" and implications for UC and ANR's budget, and thoughts on progress towards our Strategic Vision.
The governor released his revised budget proposal on Friday, May 14.
“We are grateful that the governor has provided for an increase to higher education in a very difficult budget,” said Dooley. “We have a lot to do over the next few months until the budget is signed.”
The town hall link will be https://admin.na4.acrobat.com/anrtownhall. You should also be able to log into Adobe Connect...