- Author: Elizabeth J Fichtner
- Author: Carol Lovatt
The alternate bearing (AB) nature of olive is one of the top physiologically-driven challenges faced by olive growers. AB refers to the tree's habit of producing a heavy crop in one year followed by a light crop the next year. The heavy crop is referred to as the “ON crop,” which is characterized by large yields with small size fruit that may mature late and have reduced commercial value due to size. Conversely, the “OFF crop” has characteristically low yields with large sized fruit that may not be cost effective to harvest. AB adversely affects the consistency of the fruit supply, thus having a negative economic impact on every step within the production chain from farm to consumer. Because mitigation of AB can best be achieved by management of crop load, UC researchers have conducted recent studies evaluating the efficacy of a new chemical flower thinning strategy using naphthaleneactic acid (NAA) (Figure 1) applied at full bloom to only on side of the tree annually or biennially to reduce the severity of AB and maintain higher annual yields of commercially valuable size fruit.
There are currently four known mechanisms by which the ON crop reduces flowering and fruit number to contribute to AB of ‘Manzanillo' table olive orchards. The first mechanism of AB is the suppression of summer vegetative shoot growth by the current crop (Figure 1). Flowers and fruit on olive are borne on one year-old shoots; consequently, the vegetative growth in the current year provides the nodes at which inflorescences form in the subsequent spring. Research studies conducted in Tulare County California have demonstrated that the fruit's suppression of vegetative growth is irreversible after pit hardening. As a result, crop management strategies designed to reduce the current season's crop must be implemented by June to promote summer vegetative growth and increase return bloom the following year. The second mechanism of AB is inhibition of floral development (typically initiated in July) by the current season's crop. The third mechanism of AB is the inhibition of spring bud break. As a result of bud break inhibition, even floral buds that have formed may not open at bloom. Last, the current season's crop causes the abscission of floral buds. Since the OFF crop has an effect opposite to that of the ON crop, once AB is initiated in an olive tree, cycles of ON and OFF floral intensity and cropping are perpetuated by the opposing effects of high and low crop loads on these mechanisms.
Historically, olive growers have used NAA, a plant growth regulator, as a fruit thinning agent to reduce the current season's fruit load. Upon application, NAA is absorbed by leaves and developing fruit and is translocated to the peduncle where it incites an abscission layer at the point of attachment to the stem. As an olive fruit thinning agent, NAA is typically applied 12-18 days after full bloom, i.e., during fruit set. Treatments are made with an NAA ammonium salt product, such as Liqui-Stik Concentrate (Loveland Products) applied as a dilute spray (300-500 gallons per acre). Chemical thinning with NAA can be risky; too early an application may result in overthinning, whereas too late an application may not thin sufficiently. Additionally, hot temperatures (> 100°F) within one week of application may enhance the efficacy of NAA resulting in excess thinning. Due to the greater risk of spring heat waves in the south, chemical thinning has been more commonly utilized by table olive growers in the Sacramento Valley than in the southern San Joaquin Valley.
With support from the California Olive Committee, researchers have been evaluating the use of NAA at full bloom (rather than 12-18 days after bloom) as a crop management tool to reduce the severity of AB, which is measured as alternate bearing index (ABI) on a scale from 0 (no AB) to 1 (total AB, crop one year, no crop the other year). These studies tested a full bloom NAA application to one side of the tree with the goal of eliminating crop on one side of the canopy (Figure 2) while maintaining crop on the opposite side. Annual and biennial applications of NAA to just one side of the tree were compared. To implement the annual NAA application strategy in a commercial orchard, growers would apply NAA to one side of the tree at full bloom in year 1, then on the other side of the tree in year 2. In the biennial strategy for NAA application, there would be a year of rest (no treatment) between the application to one side of the tree in year 1 and the other side in year 3.
After 4 years of research, NAA application either annually or biennially at full bloom did not affect cumulative total yield. However, full bloom NAA applications to one side of the tree significantly reduced the severity of AB from near total AB (ABI = 0.94) for the untreated ON/OFF control trees by 20% when applied annually and 38% when applied biennially. The results indicate that annual total yields were more uniform from year to year, especially for trees treated biennially, which improves the economics of all steps in the production chain from farm to consumer.
In addition, both annual and biennial applications of NAA to one side of the tree at full bloom had positive effects on the yield of commercially valuable size (CVS) fruit (medium plus large) compared to the untreated ON/OFF control trees. Biennial NAA application at full bloom reduced the ABI for CVS fruit 43% compared to the untreated control trees, whereas annual NAA application at full bloom only reduced the ABI for CVS by 12.5%. Importantly, application of NAA at full bloom to one side of the tree biennially resulted in 40% greater cumulative yields of medium plus large fruit than untreated control trees, with annual treatment increasing yield of medium plus large fruit only 20%. The increased and more uniform yields of CVS fruit resulting from biennial NAA application at full bloom to one side of the provide growers with greater, more reliable annual income. Moreover, biennial application of NAA (once every three years) is half the cost of annual NAA application. Since NAA is applied to only one side of the tree at full bloom, for which total removal of the crop is desired, the risk of over thinning with NAA is eliminated in this strategy compared to the standard practice of applying NAA to the whole tree during fruit set. Whereas a grower must decide to treat once every three years based on floral intensity and without knowledge of the year's fruit set, the fact that only one side of the tree is treated lessens the effect of a subsequent poor set. The NAA standard practice provides the grower a window of 12-18 days after full bloom to evaluate fruit set when deciding to treat. If the grower sprays NAA according to the standard practice and set is subsequently negatively impacted (potentially by even NAA itself interacting with high temperatures), the whole tree will be affected.
The results of this research demonstrate the potential value of NAA applied at full bloom to shift the crop load to one side of the tree and then the other side biennially. This technique essentially creates a bearing and non-bearing side to each tree, allowing for unsuppressed vegetative growth on the treated side and documents the need for a rest period with no NAA application until year 3 to allow the tree to fully recover. Biennial application of NAA at full bloom to one side of ‘Manzanillo' olive trees successfully reduced the severity of AB and increased yields of commercially valuable size olive fruit better than annual application of NAA or the untreated ON/OFF control trees. The use of NAA at bloom to mitigate AB warrants further investigation. Researchers are also actively investigating the use of pruning 28 days after full bloom to only on side of the tree annually or biennially as a means of mitigating AB to achieve consistent yields of commercially valuable size fruit.
- Author: Elizabeth J Fichtner
Mireya Molina, a rising senior at El Diamonte High School, joined UCCE Tulare County as a 2024 summer research intern serving the nut, olive, and prune research and extension program. Mireya has a strong science background and is an active member of her high school horticulture and FFA programs. She has served as a volunteer at fundraisers for the local SPCA and at Happy Trails Riding Academy as well as at a youth science fair hosted by the Visalia Unified School District. Mireya has taken advantage of the AP and agricultural education coursework at El Diamonte High School and expresses an interest in pursuing a BS in animal science at Chico State University in fall 2025. During the summer of 2024, Mireya served as a volunteer intern in the research and extension program of Elizabeth Fichtner, UC ANR Farm Advisor, working on enumerating insects for a pest management study on walnuts. Mireya's work contributes to the understanding of the best timing for application of insect growth regulators (IGR) for management of walnut scale, specifically determining the value of dormant applications versus delayed dormant application of Centaur®, an IGR produced by Nichino America. Her work will help walnut growers gain the maximum value out of each application of the insecticide, thus reducing overall insecticide inputs for management of the pest.
- Author: Elizabeth J Fichtner
UCCE Tulare County recently joined an international group of scientists focused on leveraging pecan genetics to develop trees adapted for the diverse geographic regions in which the trees are cultivated and for tree resilience in the advent of climate extremes. Tulare County boasts over 1,000 acres of pecan and is home to one of the state's pecan handlers. Walnuts, a historic nut crop of Tulare County, are in the same plant family as pecan (Juglandaceae); consequently, the relatedness of the two crops has facilitated an overlap of specialization in the grower community, with many long-time walnut growers also managing the state's pecan acreage.
In 2022 the team of 26 scientists was awarded an $8 million USDA NIFA Specialty Crop Research Initiative grant entitled ‘Trees for the future: Coordinated development of genetic resources and tools to accelerate breeding of geographic and climate adapted pecan trees.' Led by Dr. Jennifer Randall at New Mexico State University, the grant provides 4 years of research funding to USDA and major land grand institution scientists, as well as researchers at University of Tokyo and the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. From California, Karlene Hanf of Mid-Valley Pecan sits on the advisory board, and Elizabeth Fichtner, UCCE Tulare County nut, olive, and prune advisor, serves as a principal investigator.
In some permanent cropping systems, climate conditions such as low winter chill may affect the overlap of the female and male bloom, affecting crop productivity. To mitigate this risk, pistachio growers sometimes plant multiple pollinizer varieties in orchards. In Tulare County pecan growers rely on two varieties, ‘Western' and ‘Wichita,' to satisfy the reproductive needs of the crop. One goal of the USDA NIFA-funded project is to assess the timing and overlap of the male and female bloom of co-planted varieties over years characterized by different climate conditions. Researchers across the United States are utilizing standardized techniques to assess bud break, shoot development, and bloom on many cultivars to provide phenotypic data that can be utilized by geneticists striving to breed climate resilience in pecan. Additionally, researchers are quantifying damage cause by pecan leaf scorch, a disease caused by a bacterial plant pathogen. The disease has been detected in California; however, it does not appear to be as severe in California orchards as in other regions of the United States.
The USDA NIFA-funded program fosters development of UC ANR competency in pecan production, a smaller acreage nut crop in California. California is the nation's largest producer of almond, pistachio, and walnut, but produces approximately 2% of the USA's total pecan crop. As a north American native plant, pecan is well adapted to cultivation in diverse regions of the United States. Its native range includes the forested lands surrounding the Mississippi River, as well as rivers in southeastern Texas and Mexico. Outside of its native range, pecan remains an economic crop in New Mexico, Arizona, the southeastern United States, and California, particularly in Tulare County.
- Author: Elizabeth J Fichtner
- Author: Santosh Bhandari
- Author: Jennifer Randall
- Author: Richard Heerema
Walnuts and pecans represent two of the four major nut crops grown in California. The California walnut industry dwarfs the state's pecan industry in acreage, with over 300,000 acres dedicated to commercial walnut production and approximately 3,000 acres to pecan. The relatedness of the two crops has facilitated an overlap of specialization in the grower community, with many long-time walnut growers also managing the state's pecan acreage.
Walnuts and pecans are both in the same plant family (Juglandaceae); consequently, they have similar reproductive habits. They are both monoecious, meaning that male and female flowers are borne on the same tree. Also, both pecan and walnut produce male flowers called ‘catkins' (Figure 1), and the non-showy female flowers are produced at the terminus of a preformed shoot (Figure 2) that emerges from a compound bud. On walnuts, the catkin buds are visible at nodes, sometimes with two catkins occupying a single node as a primary and secondary bud (Figure 1A). Conversely, the catkin buds on pecan are not readily visible before bud break (Figure 1B). During the delayed dormant phase on pecan, the catkins are hidden behind a scale sheath that covers the catkins and compound shoot bud (Figure 1 B and C). As a result, the catkins only emerge as the entire bud assemblage pushes, generally in late March-early April in California. The compound bud, containing the current season's shoot and female flowers, is assembled with catkins that emerge in groups of three (Figure 1C and 2B). As a result, groups of catkins mature at the base of the current season's shoot (Figure 2B).
The compound buds of walnut and pecan are similar in that the bud contains the preformed shoot and preformed leaves as well as the female (pistillate) flowers. The female flowers are located at the apex of the preformed shoot (Figure 3 A and B). Walnuts and pecans both have variable numbers of pistillate flowers in each compound bud. Walnut flowers are readily visible with the naked eye, whereas pecan flowers are smaller, and observation of the stigmatic surface may be enhanced with the aid of a hand lens. The final nut set of each compound bud varies based on the number of initial pistillate flowers and the success of pollination and fertilization processes.
Both walnut and pecan tend to exhibit apical dominance as evidenced by the stronger, and often earlier, growth of the apical bud. In walnut, two buds (primary and secondary) may be present at each node. Usually, one bud will dominate and grow, while the weaker bud will remain static or die off. Occasionally, both primary and secondary buds grow, resulting in branching at acute angles, often referred to as “forking”. In walnut, nut set can be evaluated by early June and buds for the next year's crop may already be visible in May (Figure 4A). In vigorous orchards, in-season growth may be produced beyond the position of the nuts (Figure 4B). In-season (neoform) growth is less common in pecan. Researchers speculate that the neoform growth observed in walnut may be related to the use of vigorous hybrid rootstocks.
Although pecan and walnut are related species hailing from the same plant family, their growth and reproductive habits do have notable differences. Growers with a lifetime of experience with walnuts may be baffled by the lack of visible catkins on pecan during the dormant season. A bit of patience in the spring, however, reveals the reproductive structures upon bud break. The need for patience in pecan cultivation is also notable at harvest time. In California, the pecan harvest generally commences after the walnut harvest is complete and often continues into the successive year as fall rain events may impede orchard access.
- Author: Raymond Mireles
- Author: Mohammad Yaghmour
- Author: Santosh Bhandari
- Author: Elizabeth J Fichtner
Within the past decade a wood decay fungus with no prior record in North America has emerged as a pathogen of almond, prune, and peach (rootstock) in the San Joaquin Valley. Since 2016, Ganoderma adspersum, has been associated with decay symptoms on almonds in Kings, Tulare, Kern, and Madera counties. Unlike other endemic species of Ganoderma that were previously recognized in California almond orchards, G. adspersum appears to be aggressive on young trees, particularly those on ‘Nemaguard' rootstock. Additionally, G. adsperum infection appears to be prevalent in orchards with high incidence of crown gall caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, leading plant pathologists to suspect that the bacterial disease may predispose infected almond trees to the decay fungus. After a recent farm call with almond growers and crop consultants, UCCE Advisors Mohammad Yaghmour, Elizabeth Fichtner, and Raymond Mireles have initiated a series of studies to further investigate the potential relationship between crown gall and G. adspersum in the field, as well as evaluate techniques to limit the spread of G. adspersum in orchards.
Ganoderma adspersum is a wood decay fungus that infects the roots and butts of trees causing white rot and leading to tree blow-over and mortality especially after windy and rainy storms, hence, it is also called butt rot. Infected trees may appear healthy but are more likely to collapse during storms or harvest activities than uninfected trees.
In February 2024, Yaghmour, Fichtner, and Mireles established new research studies in Tulare County orchards to address the hypothesis that G. adspersum infections are more prevalent on trees infected with A. tumefaciens. With the assistance of Santosh Bhandari, Associate Specialist with UC ANR, over 6,000 trees were surveyed across two orchards and rated for incidence of each disease. Both orchards were on ‘Nemaguard' rootstock and included ‘Nonpareil,' ‘Monterey,' and ‘Fritz' varieties. Results of statistical analyses indicate a significant association between G. adspersum and crown gall infection on all varieties in both orchards. For each incident of crown gall, the probability of infection with G. adspersum increased by over 80-fold across all varieties in both orchards.
Studies conducted by Daisy Hernandez, a PhD student in the Department of Plant Pathology at UC Davis, suggest that stem infections with crown gall do not alter the tree's susceptibility to future infection with G. adspersum at another location on the stem. This work suggests that the association of the two diseases may not be related to a physiological change in the plant resulting from prior infection with A. tumefaciens; however, it does not rule out other mechanisms of predisposition. Mireles, Yaghmour, and Fichtner are interested in studying whether the crown gall itself presents a unique infection court (ie. opening) that facilitates infection with windblown spores of G. adspersum that may encounter the gall years after crown gall development.
In 2024, new studies will be initiated to evaluate the potential benefit of phosphites (ie. K-Phite®) in limiting the progression of new infections of G. adspersum in affected almond orchards. Phosphites offer a cost-effective approach at managing several plant diseases, including Phytophthora on almonds. Phosphites are known to induce plant defense responses to disease and are often better at preventing than curing disease. Additionally, some growers have expressed interest in using conk-removal as a strategy for reducing G. adspersum inoculum in orchards. UCCE Advisors plan to evaluate the influence of phosphite treatment on the rate of fruiting body regrowth with the anticipation of identifying multiple techniques that growers may employ to mitigate the economic effects of these diseases in California orchards.