The US Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture encourage public engagement in the development of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is currently reviewing the latest nutrition science to develop a report with its recommendations for HHS and USDA. The Nutrition Policy Institute at the University of California recently submitted two comments to the Committee: (1) advocating for drinking water consumption recommendations in the report and adding a water symbol to MyPlate, and (2) addressing possible modifications on recommendations to limit added sugars and saturated fat intake in the report. The Committee's scientific report will be published soon, followed by a public comment period to gather feedback. The report and public feedback will be used by HHS and USDA to inform the development of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Learn more about the process and how you can get involved.
The Nutrition Policy Institute at the University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources has commented in support of the US Department of Agriculture's "Child Nutrition Programs: Revisions to Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans" proposed new “durable” rule, which would enhance school nutrition standards. The proposed rule aligns school meal nutrition requirements with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. NPI welcomes and strongly supports the USDA's proposed limits on added sugars in school lunch and breakfast program meals. Extensive research has linked the consumption of added sugars to chronic diseases such as obesity, metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and dental decay. However, NPI added an important caveat to the proposed limits on added sugars, stating, “Nutrition Policy Institute strongly recommends that the USDA include language in the rule that restricts substitute sweeteners (e.g., artificial sweeteners, low and non-caloric sweeteners) in school meals, and explicitly not allow product reformulations that use substitute sweeteners in place of added sugars until such time as studies are conducted to assure our nation's children of their long-term safety.” Additionally, NPI commended the USDA for their inclusion of whole grains, reduced sodium, increased variety of fruits and vegetables, and traditional food options for Indigenous children, and for investment in technical assistance to school districts through the Healthy Meals Incentive Program. NPI points out that the US population is largely unhealthy, with only 12% of Americans metabolically healthy, and concludes that setting strong nutrition standards for school meals would help support the nutrition and health of more than 30 million school-age children receiving school lunches, and 15 million children receiving school breakfasts. The public comment window for the proposed revisions closes on May 10, 2023.