- Author: Anne E Schellman
Did you know?
- You don't need to be a gardening expert to become a Master Gardener.
- Trainees learn from University experts about low water use landscaping, vegetable and fruit gardening, composting, integrated pest management, and much more!
- Master Gardener grads volunteer 50 hours the first year and 25 hours the following years.
- Volunteer opportunities include teaching classes, staffing a booth at outreach events, working in our demonstration gardens, and answering Help Line calls.
- You don't have to be a speaker to be a Master Gardener. There are plenty of opportunities to work behind the scenes.
You must be Stanislaus County resident to apply. For other county programs, visit http://mg.ucanr.edu/FindUs/
How to Apply
- Pick up an application at our office.
- Download the fillable PDF. Type in your information.
- Download the PDF and print. Fill it out (please do not use cursive writing).
Due Date – September 3, 2021
- Mail your application to UCCE Master Gardeners, 3800 Cornucopia Way, Ste A, Modesto, CA 95358.
- Drop off your application in person; find us in the Stanislaus Building.
- Scan and email your application to ucmgstanisaus@ucanr.edu
*We are planning for the classes to be held in person at Harvest Hall in Modesto at the Ag Center. Master Gardener trainees must follow COVID-19 guidelines. In the event we cannot hold the training in person, we will conduct it online using Zoom.
For questions or concerns, please contact Anne Schellman at (209) 525-6862.
/h4>/h4>/h4>- Author: Roxanne Campbell
The goal is to create a place to invite the community to visit and observe different types of gardens, learn from hands-on classes and workshops, or to simply come out to enjoy a beautiful space. We also envision school children coming to see examples of pollinator plants, vegetable gardens, and fruit trees, too.
The Learning Landscape can also be a place where Master Gardeners are trained. In May, a small group of us gathered for the first outdoor class by former Horticulture Advisor Ed Perry. He demonstrated how to properly stake a tree. We learned a lot more seeing a demonstration than we did learning from a PowerPoint presentation! This class was a success and will be followed by others in the future.
Or, you can send a check made out to "UC Regents" to 3800 Cornucopia Way, Ste A, Modesto, CA 95358.
- Author: Anne E Schellman
University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Stanislaus County started a brand-new Master Gardener Program in January of 2019. Our first class of twenty-three volunteers just graduated and are out in the community making a difference.
If you enjoy gardening, live in Stanislaus County, and are willing to volunteer your time and talent, keep reading! We are now taking applications for our 2020 class that will start in early January. To learn more and apply:
- Visit our Become a UCCE Master Gardener website
- Click on the bright yellow button to fill out our application form before September 8, 2019
- Attend a mandatory orientation meeting in October
- Interview in November
- Acceptance letters mailed in early December