- Author: Cheryl Reynolds
Learn about opportunities to receive continuing education hours. October is upon us and before you know it, we'll be wrapped up in the busy holiday season. If you hold a license or certificate from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and have a last name that begins with letters A through L, this is your year to renew. DPR encourages license and certificate holders to avoid the end-of-the-year rush and submit renewal applications by November 1.
Early renewal has its advantages. DPR can take up to 60 days to process a renewal application. Submitting applications now not only avoids late fees and gives you time to fix any problems that DPR may find, such as not having enough continuing education (CE) hours to renew, but also ensures that you will have your new certificate or license by the first of the year.
Without a renewed license in hand, you are not allowed to use or supervise the use of pesticides after January 1, 2019 until you receive it. You also run the risk of having to retest if there are problems with the renewal application and not enough time to fix them.
If you need a few last-minute credits, take a look at the online courses the UC Statewide IPM Program (UC IPM) offers:
Laws and Regulations
- Proper Selection, Use, and Removal of Personal Protective Equipment (1.5 hours) $30.00 charge NEW for 2018
- Proper Pesticide Use to Avoid Illegal Residues (2 hours) $40.00 charge
- Providing Integrated Pest Management Services in Schools and Child Care Settings (1 hour Laws and Regulations and 1 hour Other)
- Citrus IPM: California Red Scale (1 hour)
- Citrus IPM: Citricola Scale (1 hour)
- Citrus IPM: Citrus Peelminer (1 hour)
- Citrus IPM: Citrus Red Mite (1 hour)
- Citrus IPM: Cottony Cushion Scale (1 hour)
- Citrus IPM: Forktailed Bush Katydid (1 hour)
- Pesticide Application Equipment and Calibration (1.5 hours)
- Pesticide Resistance (2 hours)
- Tuta absoluta: A Threat to California Tomatoes (1 hour)
- Urban Pesticide Runoff and Mitigation: IPM – Pesticide Properties (1 hour)
- Urban Pesticide Runoff and Mitigation: Impact of Pesticides - Urban Pesticide Runoff (1 hour)
- Urban Pesticide Runoff and Mitigation: Water Quality and Mitigation: Bifenthrin and Fipronil (1 hour)
- Urban Pesticide Runoff and Mitigation: Herbicides and Water Quality (1 hour)
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) is also offering monthly webinars on specific pest issues for CEUs. More information can be found on the UC Ag Experts Talk website.
Check out the list of DPR-approved continuing education courses. For more information about license renewal, visit DPR's licensing and certification webpage.
Learn about pest management and other training opportunities from UC IPM.
- Author: Sonia Rios
Actualicé su conocimiento sobre los cambios regulatorios! Este curso cumple con los requisitos revisados por la Norma de Protección del Trabajador, que es un mandato de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Estados Unidos y el Departamento de Regulación de Pesticidas de California. Este taller, presentado por el Programa de Manejo Integrado de Plagas de la Universidad de California y AgSafe, calificará a los participantes que completen el programa con la capacidad de entrenar a trabajadores de campo y manejadores de pesticidas bajo estas regulaciones revisadas. Los temas cubren la exposición a plaguicidas, síntomas de la enfermedad, la atención médica de emergencia, el uso adecuado del equipo de protección personal, manipulación y transporte seguro de los plaguicidas y las leyes y reglamentos relativos a las etiquetas y fichas de datos de seguridad.
¿Quién debeasistir? Supervisores agrícolas • Productores • Contratistas de trabajadores agrícolas Supervisores de seguridad • Entrenadores de seguridad
Costo $200 por persona. El pago es solamente con tarjeta de crédito. Desayuno, almuerzo y los materiales serán proporcionados. Incluye un certicado de nalización.
No se darán reembolsos. ¡El espacio es limitado, regístrese temprano!
Fechas Clases empiezan a las 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registración empieza a las 7:45am.
Registración Inscripción sólo por internet. Para más detalles y para registrarse, visite www.ipm.ucanr.edu/events o www.agsafe.org. Preguntas Contáctenos por correo eletrónico al pesticidesafety@ucanr.edu
Horas de educación continua estarán disponibles a través del Departamento de Regulaciones de Pesticidas de California (DPR).
6 de septiembre Ventura- Inglés
25 de octubre Santa Maria- Inglés
12 de octubre Davis- Inglés
26 de octubre Santa Maria- Español
15 de noviembre Bakersfield- Inglés 1
6 de noviembre Bakersfield- Español
28 de noviembre Clovis- Inglés
29 de noviembre Clovis-Español
- Author: Sonia Rios
Participants who complete this training will become qualified to provide pesticide safety training to fieldworkers and pesticide handlers, as required by California state regulations and the EPA revised Worker Protection Standard. Train-the-Trainer instruction and materials are funded in part by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR).
This course meets the requirements established by the revised Worker Protection Standard, which is mandated by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. This workshop, presented by the UC Integrated Pest Management Program and AgSafe, will qualify participants who successfully complete the program to train fieldworkers and pesticide handlers under these revised regulations. Topics will cover pesticide exposure, signs and symptoms of illness, emergency medical care, proper use of personal protective equipment, safe handling and transportation of pesticides, and laws and regulations regarding labels and safety data sheets.
Who Should Attend? Ag supervisors • Growers • Farm Labor Contractors • Safety Managers • Safety Trainers
Cost $200 per person. Payment is by credit card only.
Continental breakfast, lunch and materials provided. Includes a certificate of completion.
No refunds will be given. Space is limited, register early!
Dates Classes will be from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Check-in begins at 7:45am. Registration Registration is only online.
Continuing Education Hours will be available through California Department of Pesticide Regulations (DPR).
For details and to register, visit www.ipm.ucanr.edu/events or www.agsafe.org. Question Contact us by email at pesticidesafety@ucanr.edu Continuing Education Hours will be available through California Department of Pesticide Regulations (DPR).
Updates to Train-the-Trainer instruction & materials funded in part by DPR.
September 6 Ventura-English
October 25 Santa Maria- English
October 12 Davis- English
October 26 Santa Maria- Spanish
November 15 Bakersfield- English
November 16 Bakersfield- Spanish
November 28 Clovis- English
November 29 Clovis- Spanish
Registerat: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=8717