- Author: Sonia Rios
Published on: January 27, 2016

Photo 2. (Right) Seedlings of hairy fleabane (top) and, horseweed (bottom). (Photo: Shrestha et al. 2008).
As a farm advisor many growers will ask, “What is that in my grove- horseweed or fleabane?” These two weeds have been running rampant in Southern California, as well as other parts of the state and can be seen in every cropping system imaginable. Their population numbers can be alarming and can start to become troublesome to growers as they can easily become A challenge to control if left untreated. These two members of the of the Conyza family are particularly fond and thrive in permanent tree crop environments due to lack of tillage and lack of a crop rotation schedule due to the trees permanent...
Tags: avocado (3), Citrus - General (2), Fleabane (2), grove weed managment (1), herbicide resistance (95), horseweed (7)
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