- Author: Elaine Lander
Published on: November 15, 2020

Oleander leaves killed by freezing weather. (Credit: Jack Kelly Clark)
With the recent time change along with a change in temperatures, landscaping practices for pests need some adjusting too. We're sharing a few recommended tasks to help prevent insect pests, diseases, and environmental disorders in landscapes. Looking for additional tips? You can subscribe to our Seasonal Landscape IPM Checklist for monthly landscaping reminders delivered straight to your email inbox.
Frost Protection
Cold injury can occur when temperatures decline rapidly after warm weather, killing bark, buds, flowers and...
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UCANR: Promoting healthy people and communities
Tags: checklist (7), cold injury (1), diseases (11), environmental disorders (5), frost (1), garden (57), insects (19), integrated pest management (43), irrigation (5), landscape (62), ornamentals (4), pest management (136), pests (73), prevention (16), prune (5), pruning (7), sanitation (6), tips (6), tree care (4), UC IPM (373)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
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