![Wild blackberries growing along a roadway and encroaching into the home landscape. [Credit: Scott Oneto]](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/95850small.jpg)
Ripe, juicy, sweet blackberries: what's not to love? Blackberries are grown for us to eat and enjoy, but some species can be considered weeds when they take over home landscapes, roadsides and waterways, and other areas. The most problematic species are the introduced wild blackberries, cutleaf blackberry and Himalayan blackberry. Blackberries can be highly competitive, smothering existing plants with their dense stands. Accumulation of dead stems can create a dangerous fire hazard.
In urban landscapes, blackberry brambles can create habitat and food for wildlife and birds, but also for rats and other pests. When invasive wild blackberries take over a...
- Posted by: Lauren Fordyce
![Mature dallisgrass plant, Paspalum dilatatum. [Credit: K Windbiel-Rojas]](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/95301small.jpg)
Knowing what weedy grass you have in your lawn or landscape is very important in being able to properly control it. Dallisgrass is a common perennial weed that is easily identified and grows in uneven clumps in lawns and turf. This growth pattern creates a tripping hazard as well as a poor playing surface for parks, front lawns, and athletic fields. Clumps must be dug out to prevent its growth. Solarization with clear plastic can help control dallisgrass.
For more details about the biology of dallisgrass, management methods, and extensive information about herbicides, see the newly updated Pest Notes: Dallisgrass, authored by UC Cooperative Extension...
- Author: Belinda J. Messenger-Sikes
- Posted by: Lauren Fordyce
![A black-tailed jackrabbit, also known as a hare. [Credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service]](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/95300small.png)
Many people think wild rabbits hopping around are adorable—there's even an international rabbit day celebrating wild and domestic rabbits—but they're less welcome when they're eating your carefully tended garden. Wild rabbits in California can devour your garden vegetables, just like Peter Cottontail. And they don't stop at lettuce and beans. Rabbits and hares will gnaw tree bark, flowers, most green vegetation, and even drip irrigation tubing.
UC Davis Wildlife Specialist Roger Baldwin has revised the Pest Notes: Rabbits and included more detailed management methods for jackrabbits, cottontails, and other wild rabbits. Managing...
- Author: Karey Windbiel-Rojas
![Thinning canopy is an early sign of Bot canker. [Credit: J. Downer]](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/93035small.jpg)
![Leaves of a river red gum eucalyptus tree covered with redgum lerp psyllids. The white growths are the “lerp” produced by the immature (nymph) stage of the insect. [Credit: Jack Kelly Clark]](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/92910small.jpg)
If you have eucalyptus trees, you might have noticed white, crusty growth on the leaves. Or maybe you saw a sticky, blackened mess of fallen leaves under a eucalyptus tree. These are signs of the redgum lerp psyllid, one of the most common psyllid pests that damages eucalyptus trees in California.
The adult psyllid is very small and as nymphs, they are concealed under a waxy cap, or lerp. As they feed, they excrete honeydew which can lead to the growth of black sooty mold, the source of those sticky leaves under the tree.
Although under biological control in coastal areas, this pest is still a problem under some growing conditions and on specific Eucalyptus species. Cultural practices to manage...