- Author: Lauren Fordyce

It's time for UC IPM's annual insect Easter egg hunt! Can you guess which insects laid the eggs pictured below? Some may be pests, while others may be beneficial. Leave a comment on this blog post with your guesses, or on our Facebook and Instagram posts.
Answers will be posted on Monday, April...
- Author: Elaine Lander

For the last two years, UC IPM has shared an Easter egg photo quiz with insect and spider eggs and egg cases. In case you want to play again, this post is from our 2018 egg hunt and this post is our 2019 egg hunt.
This year, with everyone sheltering-in-place, we want you to hunt for insect eggs and share photos with UC IPM! As you are planting seeds, weeding, watering the plants, or out in nature, keep an eye out for eggs hiding in plain...

If you've been in suspense all week, wait no longer. Here are the answers to this year's Easter egg hunt!
Let us know how you did in the comments below. And be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
1. Brown Garden Snail
The brown garden snail, Cornu aspersum, is the most common garden snail in California. Snails and slugs feed on a wide variety of plants, creating irregular holes by scraping with their tongues. A combination strategies including...
It's time for our second annual Easter Egg hunt!
Can you guess which pests laid the eggs pictured below? These pests may already be hiding in your backyard or garden. Leave a comment with your guesses. Answers will be posted at the end of the week!
Pest Eggs

Easter often brings to mind colorful eggs hiding in the landscape for children to find. At UC IPM, we thought you'd want to know about eggs already hiding in your yard: insect and spider eggs!
Many insects and spiders have strangely shaped and colorful eggs that you may have never noticed. Below are some photos of these interesting eggs and our own version of a spring time egg hunt.
We challenge you to guess which adult insect or spider belongs to the following eggs and egg cases. Some are beneficials, while others might be pests. Extra “points” awarded for being able to know the difference! Answers will be posted on Tuesday afternoon. Good luck!
Insect and Spider Eggs and Egg...