- Author: Janet Hartin
Published on: March 14, 2018

Fig 1. Limb dieback and sparse canopy of overwatered olive trees around which turf was planted. Unirrigated trees in the background are healthy. (Photo: L. R. Costello, UCCE)
[From the Spring issue of the UC IPM Retail Nursery & Garden Center News]
Most disorders impacting landscape trees result from abiotic (non-living) disorders rather than attacks from biotic (living) pests like plant pathogens, insects, and vertebrates. Damage caused by abiotic and biotic disorders can appear similar, making diagnosis difficult at times. For example, discolored leaves on a Ficus nitida tree could be due to drought stress, a fungus, or a nutrient toxicity or...
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Tags: abiotic (8), damage (19), diseases (11), disorders (1), drought (10), Green Bulletin (8), Hartin (2), heat stress (1), landscape (62), mechanical injury (1), trees (18), UC IPM (373)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
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