- Author: Jeannette E. Warnert
Published on: April 4, 2017

A properly constructed livestock enclosure can thwart mountain lion attacks. (Stock photo: Pixabay)
A mountain lion entered an Orange County corral last week where nine pygmy goats belonging to members of the Trabuco Trailblazers 4-H Club were housed. Only one goat survived the encounter.
UC Cooperative Extension human-wildlife interactions advisor Niamh Quinn said she was heartbroken, but not surprised.
“We know that this is happening all over California,” Quinn said. “Sixty to 85 percent of depredation permits are issued to hobby farmers and ranchers who seek to kill wild animals that threaten their livestock.”
The loss of the goats is a sad reminder for Californians to be aware of wildlife predators in their areas and make sure that livestock enclosures are secure against...
Tags: 4-H (1), human-wildlife interactions (1), livestock (2), mountain lion (1), orange county (2), quinn (16), smith (1), ucipm (85), vickers (1), warnert (9)
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