- Author: Betty Victor
I have a new addition to my garden, Cuban oregano, not knowing anything about this very fragrant succulent I started to learn what I could.
Cuban oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus) is related to Coleus and has several common names: Spanish thyme, Indian borage, and Mexican mint.

It has thick gray-green saw-tooth leaves that are fuzzy underneath. My plant is young so it has not bloomed, but next summer when it does, its blossoms could be white, pink, lilac or purple. Like most succulents it is easy to grow. This oregano needs shade in the hottest part of the day, but will not do well in very cold weather, so it will need protection from the frost. You can grow it in a container and then when winter arrives, move it inside.
Sunset Western Garden Book says that it is used in Cuban cooking but too much of the herb will overpower other ingredients.