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Green news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
by Biocharro
on July 17, 2013 at 7:53 PM
This is an great educational resource! It is great that UC Davis is hosting this as open source data.  
Are there any plans to link to the handful of labs that are performing IBI Certifications in the US or are you collaborating with the growing number of universities doing research on different types of biochar?  
Also do you have plans to map characteristics to optimal uses for specific biochars such as water holding capacity, CEC, organic material, remediation, climate change mitigation, etc?
by Charles A Raguse
on July 18, 2013 at 7:33 AM
After many pedestrian posts, here is one that certainly captures the imagination. Summer barbecues fueled by "char"coal and "bio"char as a possible remnant of cooking. Please define "segments" as used here. Is the physical range of these ancient deposits displayed in square or cubic centimeters, decimeters, or kilometers? And how can tropical rainforests exist on "typically infertile soils"? One's flights of imagination soar. Please continue this line of inquiry into mankind and planet earth's past.
by Sanjai Parikh
on July 18, 2013 at 12:43 PM
In response to Biocharro:  
We plan to continue to grow the database, both in the amount of data and in the way the data can be used. We have begun discussions with IBI to determine how we can best serve the wide variety of biochar stakeholders. The idea of connecting with IBI certification labs would certainly have benefits and we will look into it. At present we do not plan to link biochar physical and and chemical properties to optimal use. The main reason for this is that it is not typically clear cut that one biochar is superior to another due to the impact of soil type, climate, and cropping system. With that said we are interested in this idea and our research continues to explore this. We are currently seeking funding to expand and improve on the UC Davis Biochar Database to incorporate these and other improvements.
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