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News and information from UC Cooperative Extension about alfalfa and forage production.
Tractor & Hay bales
by Jim Anderson
on May 21, 2014 at 9:18 PM
He will be missed. He did leave a great legacy and many learned colleagues...his wisdom will be valued and used for many years in the farms of this nation. I know for sure in ours.
by Tom Griffiths (the younger)
on June 1, 2014 at 7:32 AM
Larry was my second cousin and we were not close. I attended his wedding in Davis years ago and I still remember his humor and joy on that occasion. Our family has a dedication to science and engineering. Pursuits that allow a pursuit of pure knowledge and also allow a concrete application should you choose. From this write up it looks like Larry achieved both and more. He was able to teach and pass his passion for his work on to others, and what is better than that.
by Daniel H Putnam
on June 6, 2014 at 11:35 AM
To friends of Larry Teuber:  
A Celebration of Life Service for Larry Teuber will be held on June 19th at 4 pm. At the University Covenant Church in Davis (315 Mace Blvd., Davis, CA 95618).  
In lieu of flowers, Larry asked that donations be made to the “Larry Teuber Seed Research Program” (checks payable to the California Wild Rice Advisory Board, 4125 Temescal St., Ste F, Fair Oaks, CA 95628) or to a memorial set up at Youth With a Mission’s University of the Nations (Check payable to University of the Nations - Kona Foundation [UNKF], with a separate memo indicating it is for the “Larry Teuber Memorial Fund”, 75-5851 Kuakini Hwy #256, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740).  
Larry’s wife, Suzanne and two surviving children, Stephanie and Melissa would REALLY enjoy hearing about your comments /condolences and anecdotes about Larry’s work activities, his projects, etc. Photos, especially would be very helpful. So if you have anecdotes, photos, or comments to share, these can be collected and saved for his family as a memorium, especially for his children who are now 17 and 19 years of age. Awful young to loose their dad.  
Please add your comments to this blog so that they can be collected for the family. Email your photos to me (Dan Putnam) so we can forward to the family.  
Dan Putnam
by Mike Peterson
on June 6, 2014 at 12:56 PM
I first met Larry when he had virtually just arrived at UC Davis as a newly-minted PhD from the Univ. of Minnesota. I was an undergraduate in Agronomy (Plant Science), and with Larry's encouragement starting working with him on some special projects related to alfalfa breeding and physiology. I don't think I ever saw Larry so relaxed as in those first six moths at Davis; Departmental and teaching responsibilities had not yet caught up with him. Early in my Senior year Larry suggested that I consider going to Grad School to study alfalfa breeding; something I had absolutely not considered up to that time. With Larry's support (and recommendations) I applied to (and was accepted at) three schools; I chose to work under Don Barnes at the Univ. of Minnesota (the apple does not fall far from the tree!). I received a great education and super training in Plant Breeding at Minnesota, and subsequently worked 32 (and counting) years as an Alfalfa Breeder and Marketer.  
Larry will truly be missed; in my case he was an outstanding mentor and a true friend; providing early guidance that led me into a fulfilling career.
by Moe Bakke
on June 9, 2014 at 5:54 AM
Larry, Vernon Marble and I worked on a project together in Latin America, VE. I knew how to feed alfalfa, but not grow it in those climates. Larry was the utmost professional, and informative in that contract. We are who we are today because of people like Larry. Knowledgeable, willing to help, and following up.  
I am happy to say I was a witness to part of his life.  
by Mike Moore
on June 13, 2014 at 12:46 PM
I was fortunate to work closely with Larry as I learned (and learned, and learned) about the certification of alfalfa seed. Serving with him on committees, including the National Alfalfa Variety Review Board, were priceless. Larry had a gift of bringing a topic down to the level that all could understand, great patience, and as others have shared, a wonderful sense of humor. I will always be grateful to him for all of his help.
by Daniel H Putnam
on June 15, 2014 at 8:32 AM
Larry was always known for his thoughtful discussions on scientific issues, especially related to alfalfa and agricultural science. This was definitely a good trait, but it also meant that 3 minute conversations were rare, typically a few hours were more common. I roomed with Larry during an American Society of Agronomy Meeting many years ago (in Cincinnati), and I remember discussing subjects of note until very late in the night every night of the conference, and also needing to get up early for the conference presentation. Interesting week, but definitely somewhat sleep-deprived!
by Rachael Long
on June 15, 2014 at 10:17 AM
Larry had a passion for science and will be missed. His contributions to the alfalfa industry were exceptional and we were all fortunate have him in our lives.
by Mick Canevari
on June 15, 2014 at 1:06 PM
I have many found memories of Larry throughout his University career, coming in as a bright young scientist extremely capable and ending up with a legacy of respect from those who had the opportunity to interact with him. He was knowledgeable in so many areas and a skilled agronomist, geneticist & statistician. I teamed with Larry on several alfalfa projects in weed control (which admittedly was his only weakness) alfalfa planting date experiments which I give him credit for changing our industry. In the early 80’s he would frequently attend advisors alfalfa meetings and in his unique persuading way convinced growers that planting in the winter and waiting for mother nature’s rainfall to germinate alfalfa was risky, and a yield loss of a full cutting the following spring. Today, a large percent of growers use the irrigation method in fall to established stands. It’s really strange, but every time I see a newly planted alfalfa field being flood irrigated, I think of Larry and his convincing way that led to this change.  
I had the pleasure of guest lecturing some of his classes and recall planning and practicing my presentation days ahead of time for content but especially accuracy. You could always bet he would challenge any statements which he felt was without adequate scientific basis, and most of the time he was right. I began on the crop improvement association board when Larry took over as director. He was faced with personnel issues; politics and challenges that not many of us felt were doable. With little collateral damage he revamped operations and instituted many new positive programs that remain in operation today.  
Larry was a real credit to the UC system and plant science department, a significant contributor to the alfalfa industry in California and worldwide. He was a leader, a scientist, an extension colleague, a friend and will be greatly missed but his legacy of accomplishments I’m sure will live on.  
Mick Canevari
by Steve Orloff
on June 16, 2014 at 4:04 PM
I have known Larry for my entire career in Cooperative Extension. He has had quite an impact on me and helped foster my passion for agronomic work in alfalfa. I have many fond memories of working with Larry. He served as Associate Editor for a book we wrote on Intermountain Alfalfa Management. When the book was nearly completed, I spent time at Larry and Suzanne’s house doing the final edits on the manuscript. Larry was an exceptional editor but man…he wore me out! His ideas were invaluable but many of them came at 2:00 in the morning. I was not accustomed to working until 2 or 3 in the morning and would wake at my usual time of 6 or 6:30 (while Larry was able to sleep in). After 3 extremely productive days, I was thrilled with the progress we had made but was really looking forward to going home and getting some sleep! I especially appreciated Larry’s sense of humor. I collaborated with Larry on alfalfa fall dormancy and winter hardiness trials in Tulelake. We used to discuss/argue about the subjective winter hardiness ratings (all in fun). I used to love to try to get Larry to admit he was wrong about anything (but he rarely was). Larry was always on the forefront of new technology. I remember when the switch was made from slides to digital presentations and the cool things that enabled us to do. Larry used one of my photos for a presentation and added columns of yellow cones to the margins. It was always fun to tease Larry about how he enhanced the photo but what in the world were the yellow cones for? Like Mick, I had the opportunity to guest lecture in Larry’s forage class at UCD. Larry was always so kind and the compliments he would shower on you were embarrassing. His passion for teaching was evident—he truly cared about educating students and the rapport he developed with his students was easy to see after just a few minutes in the classroom. Larry will truly be missed. What I will remember most about Larry is his methodical and inquisitive mind, his heartfelt desire to help students and farmers, and most of all his devotion to friends and family.
by Shannon C. Mueller
on June 17, 2014 at 9:36 AM
Larry and I spent a lot of time in seed alfalfa fields over the years. He was such a keen observer and was able to make connections that helped me better understand the interaction between the plant and the environment. We walked fields during the summer and harvested trials together in the small combine. We even got to fly over a trial in a helicopter once! My favorite trial was the pollen flow study he designed. He met James Hagler at a meeting and included his honey bee marking technique in the trial and the three of us became a team. Our work on that multi-year trial is a cherished memory. Larry contributed to the Seed Board, CCIA, Foundation Seed, the Alfalfa Workgroup, and many other organizations where his legacy will live on. I already miss my friend and colleague.
by Bruce G Hammock
on June 18, 2014 at 4:10 PM
I first met Larry when I took PLS 120 my first quarter in graduate school. The class was fantastic--I loved how he carefully explained everything, never just assuming that we knew it all already (which I didn't!). Larry then hired me as a TA, and we wound up teaching PLS 120 together for 4 quarters. What struck me most was how kind Larry was to the students. He frequently stayed long after class to answer questions, and was incredibly accommodating to students with special needs and requests. Teaching PLS 120 with Larry was truly a highlight of my years in grad school (I actually stayed in graduate school an extra quarter so that I could TA PLS 120 one last time). I missed teaching with Larry in Fall 2013, and I miss my friend.
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