- Author: Cheryl Reynolds
The UC Statewide IPM Program has many resources available to help Spanish-speaking audiences manage pests and apply pesticides safely.
For our Spanish-speaking urban audiences, several short videos on common pests such as ants, spiders, snails, bed bugs, and mosquitoes are available as well as Quick Tips (Notas Breves) offering advice on many pest problems and information on using pesticides safely. There are also 16 touch-screen computer kiosks located in various locations around the state where users can find pest and pesticide information in English or Spanish.
For maintenance gardeners preparing to take the California Department of Pesticide Regulation's Pesticide Applicators exam in the category Q, UC IPM offers a study guide and free online training course in Spanish.
For agriculture audiences, there are several pesticide safety-related books and DVDs available as well as guidelines for managing strawberry pests.
For more on other pest management and pesticide safety information available, please see the UC IPM Web site.