- Author: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles
Greetings! I started this blog as a component of my Extension program for field crops growers and allied industry in San Joaquin County and the greater Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region. As a UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor, an important part of my outreach is to make farm visits when growers or consultants have observed something unusual or alarming in the field. Additionally, I answer questions over the phone or by email. All of these experiences may provide learning opportunities for a broader audience, so I will use this blog to document and archive this outreach. I will make certain to keep the identity of the parties involved private.
As is customary with blogs, please provide your feedback! I welcome comments on similar observations or follow-up questions; however, this is not a venue for advertising, so comments will be moderated. This blog provides an opportunity for us to learn from each other.