- Author: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles
The annual Delta field meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 4th starting at 10:00am. This year, the agenda includes topics on both field corn and sorghum. The meeting location is at the UCCE field corn variety trial plot off of Brunk Road on Tyler Island. Please see the attached flyer for more information. The agenda is as follows:
10:00am Field corn variety evaluation – preliminary results
10:15am Variety traits for the Delta
10:30am Sorghum seeding rates for optimum productivity – preliminary results
10:45am Viewing of field plots
We have requested CCA continuing education credits; light refreshments will be provided. Please contact Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, Delta farm advisor (209-953-6100) with questions.
2016 UCCE Corn and Sorghum Field Meeting Agenda