- Author: Lynn M. Sosnoskie
Complying with SB88 - Water Measurement and Reporting Shortcourse
Senate Bill 88 requires that all water right holders who divert more than 10 acre-feet a year measure and report the water they divert. For diversions greater than 100 acre-feet, SB 88 requires installation and certification of measurement methods be approved by an engineer, contractor, or other professional. AB 589 provides a self-certification option (AB 589 (Bigelow) - Water diversion: monitoring and reporting training). AB 589 allows a water diverter who has completed a course on measurement devices and methods administered by the University of California Cooperative Extension and passed a proficiency test to be considered a “Qualified Individual”. While this course was specifically developed for water diverters who divert more than 100 acre-feet of water each year, the course has proved helpful for anyone who is required to report their water diversions under SB-88.
At the workshop you will:
·Clarify reporting requirements for ranches and farms.
·Understand what meters are appropriate for different situations.
·Learn how to determine measurement equipment accuracy.
·Develop an understanding of measurement weirs.
·Learn how to calculate and report volume from flow data.
These trainings will move fast and will include a proficiency test. Bring a clipboard and a hand calculator. We encourage family/staff members' attendance.
Additional workshop locations are being offered throughout California. You can register online at http://ucanr.edu/sites/AB589/.
2:15 – 2:30 PM Registration - Refreshments
2:30 – 3:00 PM Open Ditch Flow - Larry Forero
3:00 – 3:30 PM Measurement with Weirs - Larry Forero
3:30 – 4:00 PM Measuring Water in Pipes - Allan Fulton
4:00 – 4:30 PM Break - Refreshments
4:30 – 5:00 PM Calibration and Accuracy of Measuring Devices - Khaled Bali/Daniele Zaccaria
5:00 – 5:30 PM Determining Reservoir Diversion Quantity - Khaled Bali/Daniele Zaccaria
5:30 – 6:00 PM Reporting - Larry Forero
KARE Agenda Water Measurement and Reporting
KARE Flyer Water Measurement and Reporting
KARE Registration Form Water Measurement and Reporting