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Happenings in the insect world
by Iztok
on December 3, 2018 at 9:44 AM
As a beekeeper, I am closely connected with nature. Although this is not impossible, man can hardly influence the changes in the natural environment, which are the cause of the loss of natural species, including insects. Such efforts require a lot of effort from people, and the effects are slow. On the contrary, it applies to poisons that we release into nature. Chemopharmacy with fungicides, herbicides and insecticides buys greasy profits and does not care about the consequences in the natural environment. We ourselves, however, have to decide for a different attitude and to produce food in less toxic ways.  
The north-east of our country (Slovenia, EU) is predominantly agrarian. Kemofarmacy is there with its products strongly present. A few years ago there were mass losses of bee families. Many beekeepers remain completely free of all bee families. The investigation of the causes was carried out at the state level, and representatives of the chemopharmacy participated. It was not understandable to representatives of the chemopharmacy how their products (neonicotinoids) on bees could have such a catastrophic effect. They were used in cultures not visited by bees, and their concentration was not deadly. Our country is small as there are also areas of the surface. Different plants are therefore present at smaller distances. In the immediate vicinity of a culture that does not visit bees, another plant suitable for bee grazing was planted. This was treated with a non-toxic repellent that only prosecute the pests. Here, it is also necessary to say that bees need, besides nectar and pollen, daily water entries. And what did the investigation reveal? Representatives of the chemopharmacy were astoned when the locals among the furrows of the field, planted with plants that should not be visited by bees, showed the bees who drank with the pesticide contaminated rainwater. Laboratory research has revealed that the harmless repellant used in the adjacent field, in combination with the insecticide used, strengthens the effect of the latter by a factor of 1000 times (And neonikotinoids are 1000 times more toxic than DDT, which was decades ago the cause of "Silent Springs".)  
It has also been shown that modern protective agents have a devastating effect on bees (reducing immune resistance, disruption to orientation and social behavior), even at concentrations that are permissible or even so low that they can not be detected. The beekeepers try to replace the number of lost bee families with new ones, but after the bad experience of such areas we avoid them. Even in neighboring Austria, bee families in orchards began to drop in number years ago. That is why the beekeepers withdrew their bees from orchards. Now, Austrian fruit growers must order and pay their pollination for their orchards. Unfortunately, wild pollinators do not have such luck. After the disappearance, their populations have not recovered in the affected areas for a long time.  
The same applies to other organisms in the natural environment, not just insects. In every 1 dm3 of healthy fertile soil, there are over 1000 of them. All poisons that are released by humans into the natural environment also kill them. Without them, the soil loses fertility. This effect on the nutritional capabilities of humanity must also be added to the damage that would have occurred if we lost 1/3 of the on polination dependent cultures due to the extinction of pollinators.
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