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Food news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Produce at the market
by Bello RS
on September 25, 2020 at 8:23 AM
This is an informative article and the author is appreciated.  
However, air-drying pepper by this method is a domesticated process and the estimated drying time of 4 weeks and moderate humidity of about 60% (peculiar to temperate conditions) is long enough to re-introduce deteriorating agents except under controlled atmosphere, which is not sustainable. In tropical environment, air-drying pepper is sustainably practicable and at a shorter time of 7-14 days, but not favourable for medium and large scale drying.  
Thanks for this writeup
by Sue Mosbacher
on September 25, 2020 at 1:20 PM
Bello RS, Thanks for your comment. I agree air drying is not suitable for medium to large scale drying of peppers and is probably one of the least reliable methods of drying peppers. My intent in writing the blog was to introduce the general public to the wide variety of methods of drying peppers in the hopes of getting them interested in home food preservation, with the ultimate goal of reducing food waste and increasing food security. Kathy Low
by fooddehydrator
on September 13, 2021 at 12:27 AM
Hi thank you for all your information Just wanted to comment on the “non-ridge” sides of the shelves. I just turn the shelves over so there is a rim. Works great! Thank you for taking!
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