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A blog by Associate Vice President Brent Hales
by Cheryl Wilen
on December 11, 2020 at 7:50 AM
Lookin' good! I'm intrigued - tell us more about steri-wrap. I'm impressed with your contribution to helping people stay safe.
Reply by Wendy Powers
on December 11, 2020 at 3:55 PM
Hi Cheryl,  
Take a look at the links in the blog to the UF and UCI research. Steri-Wrap is used to wrap surgical instruments, then discarded after a single use by many hospitals. Some veterinary clinics and dentists autoclave it and reuse. It is basically plastic that feels more like fabric. And it performs much better than cloth masks or even surgical masks. About 75% efficiency or better. So not an N95, but worth taking a look at. A free supply from UCD and UCSF helps and we keep it out of heading to the landfill after only 1 use! Washes beautifully. My mom wears these masks to her daycare.
by Anne Megaro
on December 11, 2020 at 7:52 AM
Wendy, I love these facemasks! They are going to brighten some little kid's day when they see Olaf walking around. Thank you for doing this to keep people safe - and happy!
by Jodi Azulai
on December 11, 2020 at 9:40 AM
Wendy, thank you for being a human leader who shares your personal challenges and how you upgrade your own inner dialog to shift from dismay to inspiration. Thank you for your contributions to your family, your community, and with our ANR community.
by Mark
on December 11, 2020 at 11:05 AM
Holy smokes Wendy, that's definitely the opposite of a pity party you got going there. Very inspiring!
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