- Author: Mark E Lundy
We're off to a good start to the rainfall year! As farmers begin to turn attention to fall-planted small grains, be sure to check out UC's extension resources on the UC Small Grains Research and Information Center and the associated UC Small Grains Blog. Resources include the following:
The California Weather Web-Tool provides site-specific precipitation and temperature data for customizable date ranges and includes 10-year averages and a 10-day forecast. Read more.
UC Small Grain Seeding Rate Calculator is an interactive webtool that determines the best seeding rate based on crop type and agronomic conditions. Read more.
The Soil Nitrate Quick Test is an easy-to-use, DIY method for estimating soil nitrate concentrations and fertilizer N equivalence in the top foot of soil. Step-by-step instructions, a webtool that incorporates site-specific soil characteristics to estimate fertilizer equivalence, and a how-to video are all available. Read more.
The Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Tool for California Wheat provides customized, site-specific nitrogen fertilizer recommendations based on monitoring of crop health and soil nitrogen in tandem with a N-rich reference zone. Read more and join us on Thursday 11/4/2021 from 2-4 PM for a webinar on the use of these tools in California farms.
UC Small Grain Variety Testing information includes interactive variety selection and variety trial exploration tools, tabular results organized by year from UC variety trials, information on end-use quality performance, and stress stability summaries.
UC Malting Barley resources include fact sheets on variety selection and nitrogen management, video presentations related to malting barley management, and links to related tools and research. Read more.
Subscribe to the UC Small Grains Blog (enter email into upper right of page) to receive updates about our research and extension products and outreach events.
Best wishes for a productive season!