- Author: Ana Resendiz
SWEEP Pilot Program 2023 - A huge congratulation to the Southern Desert Region agricultural community
It was great news when CDFA announced the State Water Efficiency and Engagement Program (SWEEP) Southern Desert Pilot Program, proposed for farmers in Imperial County and a portion of Riverside County. Unlike the regular SWEEP, the applicants did not require a project that would decrease GHG emissions, but for this pilot, water conservation projects that would not increase GHG emissions were also eligible. This SWEEP pilot program allowed farmers to participate in projects tailored to local needs.
The SWEEP pilot program will provide those selected with the financial assistance of up to $200,000 for 18 months of project implementation. The selection process was competitive, and the criteria were feasibility, the amount of water saved and calculations, the guarantee of no increase in GHG emissions, and the budget.
Seventeen projects were selected for a total of $2,716,877, of which 11 projects were awarded in Imperial County for a total of $1,997,770 in funds to improve the infrastructure of irrigation systems, automation, and fuel conversion, among other practices that will have a significant impact not only on saving water and energy but also on better management of the different resources that are invariably related to water management. This pilot demonstrated the great interest of farmers in the region in adopting new irrigation practices that make their systems more efficient. Great news for our agricultural community on adopting climate-smart agricultural practices. Congratulations to all the award winners! A list of the selected projects can be found in the following link: