- Author: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles
UC Davis and UC Cooperative Extension will host the UC Dry Bean Field Day on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 from 9:30am to 11:30am. The field day will begin along Bee Biology Road on the UC Davis campus. The agenda is pasted below, and a downloadable version is attached to the bottom of this post. DPR (1.0) and CCA (1.0 Crop Management, 1.0 Pest Management) continuing education credits have been approved. Thanks for your interest, and we hope to see you at the field day!
9:30am Welcome and introductions: Christine Diepenbrock and Antonia Palkovic, UC Davis; Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UC Cooperative Extension
9:35am How can we further improve lima bean? A project funded by the USDA to improve breeding resources: Paul Gepts, UC Davis
9:50am Walk through and discussion of lima breeding material: Antonia Palkovic and Christine Diepenbrock, UC Davis
10:00am Field diagnostics – bean pest identification and management: Sarah Light, Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, Nick Clark, UC Cooperative Extension
10:30am Travel to Veg Crops location (38.534222, -121.782222)
10:35am Blackeye varietal improvement - update on new pest-resistant varieties: Bao-Lam Huynh, UC Riverside
10:55am Results from round one of “speed breeding”, and testing nutritional alongside agronomic traits in limas: Christine Diepenbrock, UC Davis
11:00am From farm to (robot) stomach: what are the trait profiles of California beans after harvest?: Tayah Bolt, UC Davis
11:05am Screening for drought resilience in common and tepary beans: Matthew Gilbert, Tom Buckley, Troy Magney, Paul Gepts, Chris Wong, Antonia Palkovic, Travis Parker, UC Davis
11:20am Evaluating productivity and quality of cowpea and interspecific common/tepary bean in Davis and Parlier (contrasting temperatures): Sassoum Lo, Jonny Berlingeri, UC Davis
11:25am Developing low-cost phone apps/drone and rover platforms to measure agronomic traits: Earl Ranario, Heesup Yun, Vivian Vuong, UC Davis
11:30am Discussion and evaluation
2023 Dry Bean Field Day Agenda