- Author: Bob Niklewicz, MG at the Fuller Park Rose Garden
In the Master Gardener's Rose Cycle, May is when we fertilize with organic products, start deadheading and check our irritation systems. Last year we had a section of irrigation tubing that was chewed through by rodents in the garden. Perhaps they were seeking water or they simply liked the taste of the tubing. They ate about a foot long section of tubing that looked like half a loaf of french bread cut long ways with the center eaten out. That is an odd graphic but close enough for your imagination. Not checking the system can waste a lot of water.
We also do some thinning out of the centers of new growth in our bushes to make sure that the air circulation is adequate. Circulation is needed to reduce the incidence of black spot and rust on the plants. Thinning out refers to the removal or new sprouting stems that are pointed into the center of the bush or are crossing other branches. In addition, we watch for the extra, unwanted growth in the crux of two or more stems. This seems to be a nest for fungal growth and the harboring of pests in this dense new growth that will not be productive for bloom growth later.
Pruning now is simply to snap off or thumb prune those small, densely packed clusters of new leaves. That will improve circulation and send more energy to the growth you want to encourage, rather than wasting it on non-productive leaves.
Rose of the Month: Double Delight
The Double Delight rose (Rosa ‘Double Delight') bred by Swim & Ellis came to us in 1977. It is a hybrid tea rose cultivar from ‘Granada' and ‘Garden Party' parentage. It has a very sweet, fruity scent and it blooms constantly. It was awarded the title of “World Favorite Rose” in 1985.
It is one of the best selling and well known roses in the world. It is a perfect hybrid shape that can last a long time when cut and displayed. There is no definitive reason for the name other than perhaps it has both a wonderful color and scent, or just because it has a wonderful blend of two colors. It is easy to grow but they are not immune to the mildew and black spot. The flower is large and borne singly, though they can be in two or three buds on a long stem. The ‘Double Delight' is blooming now in the Fuller Park Rose Garden as both a tree rose and a standard bush. Come to the garden and see it in bloom for a real double delight before your eyes and nose. (Information is from The American Rose Society Encyclopedia of Roses, 2003)
Remember to toss that plant debris into your city compost bin and NOT your own compost pile. The Napa City compost center produces higher temperatures to destroy the spores while your backyard pile will not do so.
If you have questions about the Fuller Park Rose Garden and the Master Gardeners (M.G.s) who maintain that Rose Garden, the MGs are usually in the Garden the first Sunday and third Thursday of each month between 10:00 a.m. and noon, weather permitting.
Watch for information about a Summer Rose Pruning course coming May 4th at our Master Gardener classroom with a hands-on portion on May 9th at the Fuller Park Rose Garden. Visit our Master Gardner website: napamg.ucanr.edu for more details. Napa Master Gardeners are available to answer garden questions by email: mastergardeners@countyofnapa.org. or phone at 707-253-4143. Volunteers will get back to you after they research answers to your questions.
Photo credits: Bob Niklewicz