- Author: Pamela S Kan-Rice
UC ANR will be making additional travel support available for UC Cooperative Extension Specialists to collaborate directly with CE Advisors and REC Directors in FY 2024/25.
Each Specialist may apply for up to $2,000 for FY 2024/25 (travel reports must be submitted within 30 days of travel, and funds must be expended by June 30, 2025). These travel funds can only be used by CE Specialists and cannot be used for out-of-state travel. This funding is not provided for the purpose of presenting at or attending meetings.
In recognition of the importance of the partnership between UC ANR academics and Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) faculty, UC ANR will support travel by AES faculty to meet and work with UC ANR county-based or REC-based academics. Support is limited to $1,000 per AES faculty member, with a cap on the total pool of funds available set at $25,000 for FY 2024/25 (funds must be expended by June 30, 2025). Additional support may be available through the campuses; AES faculty should consult their departments or colleges to determine if additional support is available. Travel funds must be used by the AES faculty member for their own travel to plan and execute research or present research findings at meetings hosted by UC ANR academics.
UCCE Specialists and AES faculty can apply for travel support funding by completing an application through this short survey: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=37624.
There is no deadline for applications, but travel funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis and funding received must be expended in the Fiscal Year 2024/25. Any travel completed toward the end of the fiscal year must be submitted and approved within the fiscal year as no award will be carried forward.
Brent D. Hales
Associate Vice President