- Author: Ben A Faber
They can be so destructive, but they sure are beautiful. Leps or worms can be found on fruit tyrees.
Citrus Lepidoptera (“Worms”) https://ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/citrus/
California Orangedog· Papilio zelicaon
Amorbia (Western Avocado Leafroller)· Amorbia cuneana
Citrus Leafminer· Phyllocnistis citrella
Fruittree Leafroller· Archips argyrospila
Loopers· Cabbage looper: Trichoplusia ni· Citrus looper: Anacamptodes Fragilaria
Omnivorous Leafroller· Platynota stultana
Orange Tortrix· Argyrotaenia franciscana (=A. citrana)
(Photo of M.J.W. Cock & D.H. Burris)
Pink Scavenger Caterpillar· Pyroderces rileyi
Western Tussock Moth· Orgyia vetusta
Avocado Leps
As well as Orange Tortrix, Omnivorous Looper and Amorbia: https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/C008/m008bpcaterpillars.html
In avocado look for:
Avocado Leafroller/Leafminer ·Caloptilia sp.