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Seasonal observations of the UCCE Master Gardeners
by Bil Paul
on January 28, 2012 at 12:04 PM
I'm trying my first winter garden this year. The thing is, winter stuff grows vvv--eee--rrr--yyy slowly. Especially leeks and carrots. So far I've harvested chard, pak choy (same as bok choi, I guess), and a little lettuce. Pak choi was about the fastest growing of all. Last month I planted some more stuff from seed when the nights and days were relatively warm, but the seed wasn't germinating (even tho I watered it with warm water!). However, when the recent rains came (we got 3.8" in Dixon), those seeds were popping up all over like popcorn. I had planted lettuce, more pak choi, and spinach. I saw today for the first time that my broccoli is starting to form heads. I have to go out in the garden about every other night to kill slugs who love those tender emerging plants.
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