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Food news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Produce at the market
by Brenda Dawson
on April 11, 2012 at 3:05 PM
Sounds like quite an interesting presentation--thanks for sharing this, Iqbal!  
Do you recall whether Pingali discussed fruits and vegetables in particular?
by Iqbal Pittalwala
on April 11, 2012 at 3:12 PM
Brenda, I'm afraid his talk did not touch upon fruits and vegetables. I must say his talk was quite effective in getting all of us to be more optimistic about facing the food problem in the future. He said near the beginning of his talk of neo-Malthusians, "If you've decided the situation is hopeless, then why would you invest in making a change?" That applies so well to so many problems ...
by conseil logistique
on April 17, 2012 at 3:10 AM
This is my first opportunity to visit this website. I found some interesting things and I will apply to the development of my blog. Thanks for sharing useful information.
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