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Food news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Produce at the market
by Marianne Mueller
on May 31, 2012 at 9:34 AM
Are there any US sources for nakati, bbuga, doodo, or jjobyo seeds? Inquiring gardeners want to know (and grow these vegetables!) Also -- congratulations on running such a great project.
by Brenda Dawson
on May 31, 2012 at 5:33 PM
Hi Marianne, I think that is a great idea and a great question!  
One thing to keep in mind is that these vegetables are called many different common names (some of the ones used here are more common in Uganda, for example). So finding seeds for them here in the U.S. would probably be easier when searching with the scientific names.  
When it comes to eating the leaves of some of the plants that are already more familiar in the U.S., this website has some info to get you started about when to harvest and how to eat them: Another useful website for growing your own might be: Both of these resources are aimed at African growers, but I imagine they could also be helpful to American gardeners of these crops.  
I'll ask around the office and see if anyone else has other ideas. It would be neat to start an indigenous African vegetable demo garden. Let us know if you find/plant some!
by onesmus kyambo
on January 22, 2013 at 5:26 AM
Amaranth is a wonderful traditional vegetable and has a lot of benefits. It is a crop i am doing research on currently in kenya.
by onesmus kyambo
on September 3, 2013 at 5:31 AM
My name is Onesmus Kyambo, researching on adoption of Amaranth crop in Buuri Meru county.
by Brenda Dawson
on September 3, 2013 at 10:06 AM
Hello Onesmus Kyambo, Thank you for the comments! I'm glad to hear that you are working with amaranth too. In Kenya, Horticulture CRSP's research with traditional vegetables is mostly centered around Eldoret, with researchers at Moi University. More information about that project is here:  
Though our program doesn't currently have funding opportunities, we do maintain a list of organizations and researchers who are seeking collaborations and other opportunities. You can look for partners and submit your information to be included on our list at Thanks again!
by John Wachira
on June 12, 2014 at 3:03 PM
It's valuable information
by anita allen
on March 28, 2015 at 5:48 PM
Thank you for this.I am a horticulturist and I am trying to locate the genus of the amaranthus my new neighbor from barundi grows for her. Language is sometimes an issue and so she doesn't get that I can find it by the name she calls it. So she tells me 'Afric plant' meaning african plant. As we are both hard core gardeners I want to help her adapt her favorite plants to her new home and introduce her to regional favorites as well. I saved a few seeds from her plants last year and now I am keying it out to find its growth requirements to help improve her yeilds. I figure while I am at it I would like to find seed sources or a seed bank to get other familiar plants for her as well. Suffice to say we are having fun. Do you know of such a resource in the United States?
by Christopher Makomere
on December 27, 2015 at 10:14 AM
Amazing piece of information.
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